Laura glares at Alice. "Maybe, next time you shag, don't do it in the bloody library then."

Alice lets out a huff and stabs another piece of vegetable with her fork. "I was just—"

"The weather's quite nice today," Sirius cuts in, popping a grape into his mouth. "I think we should all go to the lake later and get some sun."

Laura hums in agreement, ignoring Alice's deepening frown. "I think so too."

Everyone else seems to give some form of consensus or another, and with the distraction, Laura's eyes drift toward the Slytherin table. Alecto Carrow is chatting animatedly with Dorcas, who's seated next to Black. 

Black's eyes hold an air of bored disinterest as he takes a slow sip of pumpkin juice, subtly looking at Carrow with distaste. Rosier is seated next to him, and his eyes pop up to meet Laura's before she can avert her eyes and pretend to be listening to Peter as he rambles about astrology. He cocks an eyebrow, seemingly amused as Laura looks away in fluster.

She takes a bite of her muffin and pretends to be very interested in Peter, who is beginning to stumble over his words from Laura's suddenly intense gaze— though her thoughts aren't as much registered towards him but more towards the embarrassment that's likely flooding her cheeks. 

Laura peeks back over just in time to see Rosier saying something in Black's ear, and she looks away immediately. She can feel his stare burning into the side of her head while her muffin becomes her new source of comfort. 

"Right, so off to the Black Lake now?" Remus nudges Laura's arm. "Laurie? Are you alright?"

Laura slowly takes her muffin away from her mouth. "Yes, why?"

"You seem off," Lily chimes in, looking up from her newspaper. "Or, more so a bit distracted."

Laura sighs. "Sorry, I'm just a little tired. The Black Lake sounds wonderful right now, actually." Her eyes flit towards the Slytherin table one last time as everyone stands up. Black's eyes are still on her, and his gaze meets hers briefly. Laura sends him a defiant glare and slips her hand into Remus', following closely behind him and the rest of the group. She was being petty, sure, but the annoyance that flashed across Black's face was enough to make it worth it.

"Love, if you continue squeezing my hand that hard, I think it might bust," Remus comments, looking down at Laura with a slight grimace.

"Oh! Sorry, Remus." Laura quickly loosens her grip on his hand but continues to hold it nonetheless. Her lips tug down as she looks up into Remis' eyes. "Actually, I have a question."

"Okay, shoot." Remus smiles invitingly, and Laura's frown seems to lift slightly.

She takes a small breath. "Why did Sirius leave the Black Manor?" 

If the question takes Remus off-guard, he doesn't show it. If anything, he looks as though he knows something that Laura doesn't, and it's written in the way his eyes crinkle slightly. "Y'know Orion Black? Sirius' father?" He questions.

Laura nods. "I've heard of him but I've never actually met him."

"Good. You wouldn't ever want to meet him, Laura," Remus says, looking her dead in the eyes. They both stop walking. "He used to beat Sirius until he was on the brink of unconsciousness, and then he'd say something horrible and leave him bleeding on the ground." Remus swallows thickly before continuing. "One night, after a gala, Orion performed the Cruciatus curse on Sirius for three hours straight. He left him, no words of apology, nothing. Sirius packed his bags and then escaped after that."

Laura can't help but frown again. "He just left? What about his mother?" She asks, and Remus sighs.

"His mother was never there. She was always holed away in her room during the beatings." Remus' upper lip curls distastefully, in a way that Laura's never seen it before. "She was a bloody coward, Laurie. How can someone do that to their son?"

"And what of Regulus?"

Remus' eyes run over Laura's face curiously before he answers. "Sirius offered to take him with him, but he refused. Sirius was bloody mad about it, but I think his brother was doing it for Sirius' sake, not his own. I mean, his father beat Sirius all the time, but that didn't mean that he wasn't expendable. He could have tracked him down if he wanted to, but he didn't need to."

"Not when he already had Sirius' replacement." Laura finishes quietly. 

Remus nods, and they both continue walking again. The group is still in view, but they're farther ahead than they were a few minutes ago. Remus begins to hum, and Laura would've been content in relaxing into the sound if her stomach wasn't twisting with guilt. During their argument, she'd used Sirius' leaving as a form of weapon. Regulus had brushed it away, and—

No. Laura will not feel bad for him. He said horrible things to her, and no type of cruel childhood could justify that. He was a bully.

A wave of light hits Laura and Remus as they both step outside, where the rest of the group is waiting.

"You both are so slow," James groans, throwing an arm around Lily's shoulder as they both stand to their feet. 

Laura nods absent-mindedly, not really paying attention. She doesn't even notice when Sirius steals her away from Remus and links arms with her while everyone is walking to the lake. "Something on your mind?"

Laura chokes, surprised. She doesn't meet Sirius' gaze, in fear that he'd sense her newfound pity for him and find offense in it. "I'm just really tired," She responds, and in perfect timing, lets out an unintentional yawn. She is tired, in all honesty, but that isn't why her mind is in such a daze.

Whatever. Laura needs to loosen up and enjoy the sun, even if her brain is running miles a minute. Mary conjures a blanket and refreshments as everyone sits down next to the lake. Laura grabs a glass of water and stares at her distorted reflection before sipping it with a frown. 

"Where's Peter off to?" Marlene questions and everyone turns just in time to see him walk back into the school.

James picks at his cuticles in boredom. "He said something about needing to grab a joint." He shrugs. 

Marlene rolls her eyes and lies backward exhaustedly. "Always needing a blimey joint, that boy. I hope he comes to realize he's going to fucking die from it one day."

"Marlene!" Mary exclaims. "Don't say things like that!"

Marlene sticks out her tongue at Mary and rolls over to face Laura, who's also sprawled on her back. "You okay?"

"Why does everyone keep asking that?" Laura groans frustratedly. "I'm fine."

author's note- 

happy tuesday! sorry this is so short! as always, votes and comments are appreciated! <3

 - ♡, lottie.

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