I waved at Antoine using my right hand so Salome could copy my actions. She lifted her small hand and waved at him but right after that she dropped her hand and buried her face in my shoulder. We chuckled at her.

"Well, it seems it will take a while to get her to warm up to me."

"An hour at the most." I said smiling. "Uh, what are you doing here? Didn't you want to sleep or at least rest?"

"I slept for two hours, I feel better now." Antoine said. "If I sleep all morning I won't be able to sleep early, right?"


"And I wanted to talk to you."

"Is it important?" I asked nervously.


"I'm taking care of Salome now, Daniela will be up in maybe an hour or two."

"We could talk and look after her, I don't mind." Antoine said shrugging.

"Okay." I said. "Come in."

Antoine closed the door after we walked inside and followed me to the living room where Salome and I had been playing before Antoine came.

"How did you get here?"

"James told me where he lived, which wasn't really that helpful because I don't know where anything is or how the addresses work." Antoine said with a small smile. "So, Karim brought me here."

"Karim? Wasn't he supposed to be training right now?"

"He left earlier, he said he wanted to sleep." He said. "Not to the coach of course, I don't know what kind of excuse he used to leave earlier."

"I'm not surprised he did that."

Salome hadn't said a single word since Antoine came. She sat in the same spot she was earlier and grabbed her dog toys and silently played right in between us.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked Antoine, I was dying to know so I couldn't help but ask him.

"I might be rushing things, I know we just got back together yesterday but I really need to talk about this." I couldn't help but smile a bit when he said we are back together, but I didn't dare to smile more because Antoine was talking about something serious, I don't know what about, but it's important. "Especially since you are going back to San Sebastian tomorrow."

"Okay." I said nodding. "What is it?"

"You mentioned you were going to go to France to study." Antoine said. "What will happen to us if you go there?"

Bleeding Love [Antoine Griezmann & Neymar]Where stories live. Discover now