"It's like 4AM so you'd be looking for today and maybe, depends on if the boys can come. And probably Error." He sighs out.

"Why does Error have to come?"

"Uh... I'd like you two to get to know each other better. So if you need something and I'm out he'll want to help you quicker and you can trust him." He says quickly and squeezes you as if to say end of conversation. He then sits back, dragging you with him. You both laugh and you pull your arms over his, holding his hands and squeezing them tight. You relax on him, still laughing slightly. He squeezes you tighter again and flops over meaning you two were now spooning. You were just impressed he flipped over with the weight of a person on him.

"How strong even are you?"

"I don't know, I don't have muscles. I do have a very physical job though, so it's safe to say I'm stronger than you."

"Yeah, but you don't even train."

"I don't need to. Are you doubting my fighting skills or calling me fat? I'd like to see you beat me."

"Bet I could."

"I can't tell if you're joking."

"If I tried to hurt you, you wouldn't do anything about it would you? You'd let yourself get hurt because you wouldn't want to hurt me, and you can only defend for so long. If I tried to stab you, you'd hug me and just let it happen." you shrug, you hear him chuckle behind you, making you wonder what he found funny.

"Ok, but you wouldn't try to hurt me. If I tried to hurt you, you'd do the same right?"

"Nope. I'm not dying just because you want me to. I'd put up a fight. But I know you also wouldn't hurt me, which means there's no way to prove any of this." you sigh.

"I could train with you. That would be proof, and I'd get to kick your ass." he smirks, and you giggle.

"Uh, no. I'll be the one kicking your ass. It's a date." you smile, squeezing his hand.

"What a nice date huh? So romantic." he says sarcastically.

"We could share a milkshake after? You only get you by the way, you don't get the boys. If they had a choice in it they'd be with me anyway." you laugh.

"If they watch they'll join your side probably. Now go sleep, you can't fight too good if you're tired." At that he flopped a tentacle over your eyes, making you huff.

"And you are fat."

"Uh, its by choice! I can shapeshift stupid. I'm only fat because everyone else is fat." he mumbles defensively.

"You're trying to fit in? Poor baby, be what you want." You pause a minute, thinking if you should ask this." You ever given yourself boobs?" You giggle.

"Maybe. I wouldn't tell you if I did." he laughs, picking up the tentacle to slap it back down on your face.

"What size were they?" you say, trying to pry the tendril off your face so you can watch him during this conversation.

"I'm not inclined to answer that. Go to sleep."

"Alright dad." You huff, lowering your hands back to holding his and eventually falling asleep, holding him.


You sit up and stretch, confused when you find Night not next to you. Yawning, you rub your eyes and shift under the covers slightly, looking for him whilst avoiding the morning sun trying to blind you.

The queen of Nightmares (Nightmare Sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now