She finished as Iron Baron turned to his people who were whispering as he yelled annoyed with them. 

Iron Baron: Not another word!

He shouted as every hunter became silent before he continued on with more lies, 

Iron Baron: Now, show of hands. Raise them if you're with her, so I can raise my Dragon Blade to lop them off!

All but no hunter put their hand up to agree with Faith as Muzzle half-raises his hand, then slowly puts it down. 

Jay: That's not fair! You bullied them!

Iron Baron: I said, "Not another word!"

He shouted before turning on the machine on the poles as sparks of electricity began to tickle the ninja and Wu, who started laughing. But while they were being zapped, Wu suddenly gasped as his past memories returned to him. 

Wu: I remember.

He said as his voice got deeper and older as he broke free of the chains and back-flips on to the ground. He then stands up, revealing a mustache and a goatee on his face. 

Jay: Oh my gosh! He just grew a mustache. 

He shouted in glee seeing Wu remember everything as their master strokes his goatee. 

Jay: And a goatee!

Iron Baron was not pleased with what was happening as he growled in anger before turning to his people. 

Iron Baron: Get him!

The hunters charged towards Wu as they tried to strike him but he stepped aside and grabbed the staff. He spins around, using the staff to knock her off her feet and strikes her down in the stomach to the ground. Wu takes her bamboo hat as his.

Wu: You will let my ninja go, or else.

Iron Baron: Or else what?

He taunts him as the hunters step closer. 

Wu: Or else I will reclaim my father's armor and ask his dragon to end your rule. I am the Son of the First Spinjitzu Master and this is my oath!

He leapt towards the approaching hunters, spinning the staff ready to fight Iron Baron. 

Jay: Alright! Master Wu's back, baby!

Iron Baron raises his sword in return while smirking. 

Iron Baron: So you just confirmed it. The Legend is true: He who reclaims the Armor controls the Firstbourne.

Wu: That's not what I said.

Iron Baron: You seem like a wise master. Are you really ignorant enough to take on me and my entire camp?

He said as his men charged  towards Wu. But one by one, Wu pushed the hunters back, but he was struggling to keep his ground, as more hunters appeared. 

Cole: Don't give in, Master Wu. We've got your back.

Kai: Yeah. If you can cut us down first.

He finished as Iron Baron grabbed Wu's staff, preventing him from attacking. 

Iron Baron: Before you do something foolish, let me make you an offer. How about you get me the Armor or else we can see right now how good you really are with that... staff.

Wu: You want me to take you to the Firstbourne?

Iron Baron: Get me the Armor and I'll send your ninja home. 

He told Wu slyly as he let go of the staff. 

Wu: Do I have your word?

Faith: Don't—

Iron Baron: Trust me. There's nothing I want more. 

He finished as Wu slowly drove the staff he was holding, showing that he agreed to the deal. 

Kai: Oh, no!

Wu: I'm sorry, but we are left with no other choice.

He said trying to reassure his students and Faith who were shocked by his decision. 

Iron Baron: Ah. We go now to the Firstbourne.

He exclaimed as he marched Wu away from the poles while the hunters cheered. Before he was far away, Wu turned back to his students and Faith and gave them his word. 

Wu: Don't worry, ninja. Have faith.

Faith: I hope he knows what he's doing.

Kai: We've learned not to question him.

Jet Jack runs after Iron Baron, who looks at her annoyed. 

Jet Jack: You promised whoever got Heavy Metal would become your Number Two. Since it was me, I must insist I go with you for your protection.

Iron Baron let out a loud laugh as the hunter looked at her master confused. 

Iron Baron: Protection? *laughs again* Once I have the Armor, I won't need protection. It will be you needing me.

He spoke loud enough for the other hunters to hear before he pushed her back and continued laughing while pushing Wu to the armor not knowing that Alex was already there waiting for Wu. 

Lego Ninjago X Male Oc Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now