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Over the past day or week, the ninja and Alex have been steadily putting together a communicator from whatever they could find in the Bounty remains, so they could be able to contact Lloyd, Nya, Pixal, Delta and Misako that they were still alive and where in another realm. They had assembled the communicator, but they needed the last crucial piece.

They looked everywhere in the wreckage of the Bounty, but they kept coming up empty handed and they were about to stop when...

Kai: Foil. I found foil!! Ah! Yes! We have foil!

Alex; Finally. Hurry up!

He yelled as Kai, Cole and Jay rushed towards the Bounty. Zane grabbed the foil from Kai and started fixing the communicator and the antenna, while adjusting it.

Zane: *grunts* Okay. Let's see if it works.

He mumbled while lifting it up so the antenna was stable. Kai was ready to flip the switch to turn it on, but Cole stopped him.

Cole: Say we're lucky enough to reach someone in Ninjago. After everything that's happened, is there even a home to go back to?

Kai: Only one way to find out. Here goes nothing.

He replied before reaching for the switch and flicked it up, turning the communicator on. The light turned green, and static was the only thing they could hear from the machine.

Zane: And that sounds like nothing.

Kai: *groans* We're never getting home.

Jay: *sighs* So it doesn't work. I'm telling you guys, I've been feeling so much better now that I've accepted our situation. This is our new home.

Alex: Jay, are you feeling okay?

Jay: I'm just saying you don't have to freak out about it. Heh. It could be worse.

Kai: Worse? Worse? A strange tea lady just marooned us in the Realm of Oni and Dragon. A realm, mind you, we know nothing about, with no hope of getting home, and no clue as to what else is out there!

Jay: Uh, Oni and Dragons, duh?

Cole: Sure, Jay. We've all seen dragons. But aren't you the least bit concerned about coming across an Oni? I mean, we hardly know anything about them.

Zane: Except that they like to destroy, and Master Wu is part one.

Wu: I'm hungry.

The young master cried out in hunger as they moved to the edge of the Bounty, and looked down at Wu, who was sitting next to a fire. He was about eight years old, and he was able to walk and talk like them.

Cole: Sorry Master, but I thought we told you. We're rationing our food.

Zane: Hm. Perhaps there is some useful guidance you could impart on us in this difficult time?

Cole: Master Wu?

Wu: ...I'm hungry.

He stated, making everyone sigh but the only one who didn't, was Jay, who started to laugh hysterically.

Jay: Ah, man.

Kai: You not freaking out is freaking me out! *groans*

Jay: Kai, baby... It's much easier coping with life's problems when you let go of hope.

He explained as he ran to the edge of the Bounty and slid down a board into the sand.

Jay: Woo-hoo! Hey, turn up that music. That's my butter and jam. Yeah-ha!

Cole: Yeah-ah. He's totally lost it.

Jay: Nope. I've totally found it.

Wu: Still hungry.

Lego Ninjago X Male Oc Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now