Chapter 19

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Twitter: @PandieBearMalik

Chapter 19:

Niall POV:

Today I was spending my day with my brother Greg. He was older than I was, much older but I related everything to him well he’s my brother so I understand. He had a beautiful wife. I wouldn’t go there or anything. Firstly she is like ten years older than me. Secondly she’s my brother’s wife and I could never do that. And thirdly she is like a big sister to me. Greg and I were playing fifa on the Nintendo Wii. I was whipping him by like 10 points but it’s okay I’m a legend at this game ;)

“Niall do you love Demi? Honest to god. I heard what you said last night at one of your tours”

He interrupted and paused the game.

“Um yeah. I actually do but I don’t want to talk about it because I will just end up being upset”

“I understand. I’m always here for you, you know that?”

“Of course. Love you man”

“Love you too little brother”

Even though it was short conversation it was very meaningful and I needed that. I breathed slowly and decided to get a drink of water.

I went into the kitchen and there was a photo frame I have never seen before. It was of me and Demi. I spat out all of my water into the sink. It surprised me and just brought back memories. I had my arms around Demi and we were doing funny faces as well as the peace sign. We were just mucking around, it seems so long ago. It was before we started to dating, when we were the bestest friends. I spat out my water because I laughed at how silly we looked.

Greg came in the kitchen because he heard me spat out my water and thought something was wrong.

“Niall what’s up?”

“Nothing! I just spat out water because I found something funny”

“You saw the photo didn’t you? Mum printed out heaps and sent us one.”

“Really? Yeah it was. We look like idiots that’s all.”

He knew it was something more than that but he didn’t ask because he saw I was happy. Sometimes I hate him, sometimes I love him. Right now I love him, he cares about me. A lot.

Demi POV:

My little sister was over. Well I wouldn’t say little as she is nearly twenty. Wow time flies fast. She is close to having her P’s. Before I knew it she was only fourteen being a normal teenager. Now she is nearly twenty, I never knew life went so quickly until I kept getting older and older. She may not be biogically my full sister but she is definitely treated like one. I don’t know what I would do without her, she’s been with me through thick and thin and I can trust her with anything.


“Yes Maddy?”

“Do you miss Niall? You guys were the cutest.”

“Um, of course I do Madz. We live in two different countries things wouldn’t work out.”

“But you had skype and texts and calls?”

“We did but it just go too much and it wasn’t enough”

“All you need I love right? That’s enough”

“If you put it that way I guess. I still love him but I don’t think that was enough”

That was the end of our conversation and I all I could think about was Niall. Maybe my sister was right, if it didn’t work out maybe things weren’t meant for us. We walked down a path and a fan came up to me. I was hoping she wouldn’t because I was definitely not in the mood to get a photo and sign something. But they were the reason I’m living my life today so I didn’t want to be rude. I got a photo with her and signed her ‘Unbroken’ CD. It’s amazing how many fans I have for just living my dream. It’s surreal.

I was walking with Maddy and I haven’t had a moment like this with Maddy forever. I was always busy doing tours and X Factor. I feel so bad that I haven’t spent more time with her or Dallas and the rest of my family. They know I’m busy and things but I still feel horrible. They’ve been there for me since the start of my career, through the goods, through my rehab and through to where I am now. I could not thank them enough, no words have the explanation.

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