-(82) hers to dissect and anatomize

Start from the beginning

From among the crowd, Theseus' eyes find Zilliah, an incomprehensible flicker of emotion in them. "That island messes with my head. It makes me.. It makes me someone I'm not. And I'm sure if I come with you all, I will only put you in more danger." 

It is dead silent for a minute, save the sound of the birds chirping in the distance and the lapping of the seawater against the rock beds as the sun stands ready to descend after its tiring day.

But then Theo snaps, the distaste clear in his voice and from the way his features are pulled into a scowl. "Great way of saying you're a total pussy, man."

Layla casts him a quick glare and walks up to Theseus, taking his hand in hers. He doesn't seem the least bit bothered by it, nor is he affected. "But we need you", her voice is soft, softer than flower petals, softer than she had been with baby Harry even.

But it doesn't seem to move him either, not in the slightest. He doesn't even meet her eyes as his' are still boring into Zilliah's. And hers is fixed on him too. It should make some sort of ill feeling rise in Draco's chest but it doesn't. It really doesn't because he realizes that the wordless conversation they're having right now is anything but romantic. He may not be able to read Theseus' eyes but he can read Zilliah's, most of the time at least. And right now, there is nothing but pain in them.

"I'm sorry", is all that Theseus mumbles in the end, as he draws his hand from Layla's grasp and takes a step back.

"I forgive you. You remember that, right?", Zilliah's words fill the air of tension around them, confusing everyone but Theseus.

"I do remember", he nods, a tear running down his cheek, unashamed. "But just because your heart allows you to give me that doesn't mean I deserve it."

"Theseus-", she makes to object but he cuts across her.

"Be safe, Zilliah." Then, his eyes dart over everyone else, seeming to realize only now that they were all still watching. People he knows. People he doesn't. "Get back in one piece, all of you."

"Easier said than done, mate", Theo remarks again, the scowl on his face still intact.

Layla stands there, facing Theseus. And Draco doesn't have to see her face to know what's going through her mind.

Theseus will never see her the way he sees Zilliah.


But Zilliah will never see Theseus the way she sees Draco. And he knows that with every fiber in him. It's the reason he is not jarred by Theseus in the slightest now.

Whatever he may do or say, Zilliah's heart will always be Draco's. She would plunge herself into the deepest hole on earth before she even thought of giving it out to someone else. And he knows this. He knows this because he would do the same, without a second thought.

As Theseus disappears into the woods, Zilliah walks up to Draco. He picks up their bags from the ground and hands her hers. He then ruffles her hair and pulls her to his chest, kissing the top of her head. "Ready?", he asks her and she nods. 

But he feels a certain weight to her movements and he would've thought it to be because of what happened with Theseus just now if she hadn't pulled back and put forward the question, "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, my love", he breathes, his eyes gazing deep into her hazel ones as he feels some sort of dread settle in his stomach.

"And you will answer me honestly?"

This is not going to end well. "As honest as I can be."

"That's not-"

"Just tell me what the matter is, Zilliah", he cuts across her, feeling the throbbing pain in his head increase tenfold somehow. 

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