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continuation of the scene where Taekook found the young girl-

As Taehyung carried the girl, who was barely conscious and bleeding from a fresh bite wound, the group looked on in concern. They had all seen what happened when someone was bitten by a zombie, but Taehyung was determined to save her.

Yoongi, who had been trailing behind the group, finally caught up to them and immediately noticed the girl

"What the hell is going on?" Yoongi asked, his eyes narrowing eyes in confusion

Taehyung explained that the girl had been bitten by a zombie and that they were taking her with them to try and find a cure. But Yoongi wasn't convinced.

"We can't just leave her here to die," Taehyung said firmly. "She's still a human being."

But Yoongi, ever the realist, shook his head. "We don't know anything about her," he said. "For all we know, she could already be infected. And even if she's not, she'll slow us down and put us all at risk."

Jungkook, Taehyung's childhood bestfriend who knew how sensitive and kind Taehyung is towards others, spoke up "We can't just abandon her," he said. "We're not like those other survivors who only care about themselves. We have to help each other if we're going to survive."

The others looked at each other, unsure of what to do. They knew that Yoongi had a point, but they also couldn't ignore Taehyung's plea for help.

In the end, they decided to take the girl with them, albeit reluctantly. They hoped that Taehyung was right and that she would recover from her injuries.


After walking for 30 minutes they saw a military base. Everyone decided to check the base for any zombie. As the group walked through the abandoned military base, they noticed that there weren't as many zombies as they had anticipated. They cautiously made their way through the different rooms, checking for any useful supplies that might have been left behind.

However, as they searched, they began to notice the bodies of both humans and zombies lying on the ground. The sight was unsettling, and it was a stark reminder of the dangers they faced every day.

Taehyung, who was still carrying the young girl they had found, felt a pang of sadness as he looked at the bodies. He couldn't help but wonder if they had families or loved ones who were still out there, searching for them.

Jungkook noticed Taehyung's expression and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know it's tough, Tae," he said softly. "But we have to keep moving forward. We have to keep fighting, no matter how hard it gets."

Taehyung nodded, grateful for Jungkook's words of encouragement. He knew that Jungkook was right, but it didn't make the situation any less heartbreaking.

As they continued their search, they eventually found a room that looked relatively secure. They barricaded the door and settled in, grateful for the temporary shelter.

Yoongi took a moment to survey their surroundings, his expression serious. "We need to be careful," he warned. "We don't know what kind of dangers might be lurking around here."

Jin nodded in agreement. "We should set up a perimeter and keep watch," he suggested.

The group quickly got to work, using the supplies they had gathered to fortify their position. They set up a watch rotation, making sure that someone was always keeping an eye out for any potential threats.


Jimin and Yoongi had taken over the watch, and the rest of the group had gone to search for food. They were sitting quietly, watching the empty streets, when suddenly, they heard a noise.

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