chapter three

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Another week went by. It was all the same, except the boys they acted kinder to each other, not much but by a little. They started getting a little more comfortable holding hands but the whole eye thing was still weird. Stan and Kenny seemed okay, they were always joking, except for those quick glimpses, of Stan. Stan wouldn't notice but his smile was replaced with a sadder face, and Kenny wasn't around him so much.

This, a Sunday night Kyle had a dream, it was a dream about Cartman. Usually, he hated these dreams like he hated his thoughts but he wanted to listen.

It was of him with the on the beach together they were only wearing their swim trunks, On the beach together wrestling in the sand. He originally thought they were fighting so he was going to ignore the dream.

It was when Cartman was on top of him holding his wrists, then Cartman bent his neck down and whispered into the ginger's ear.

" I love you, baby~," Cartman said leaning down to his lips.

" I love you too fatass." Kyle, not the real him, said back.

The real Kyle screamed wanting to get out of the dream. He screamed until he realized he was awake.

He looked down to see his little brother Ike at the foot of his bed, he was now eleven. In fact, Ike was one of the smarter kids in his little fifth-grade class. Not exactly smart in a brain sense but a real sarcast for his age, and stupidly sneaky.

Ike gave him a deadpan face.

" Kyle, are you dying?"Ike asked with sarcasm.

" No Ike I'm fine," Kyle being too early for detecting the sarcasm.

" Then let me get some goddamn sleep," Ike said walking away with a bit of a chuckle. He thought he was so tough even though he still had his baby voice.

Kyle didn't care for what he had called him, he then rolled over in his bed to look at the time. He sleepily looked at his alarm clock. He had an hour before he had to leave for school, but might as well get ready now.

He rolled again out of bed and walked over to his calendar. It was a calendar with pictures of kittens on them. This month, March, had a gray spotted kitten on it. He put a red mark next to the rest. He then flipped to May, he noticed that the deal would stop right after his birthday.

 He'd been keeping track of when his hell would end. He honestly hoped it'd end quicker but that would do.

They then got ready and headed off to the bus stop where they all waited. Kyle had walked up to the trio.

" Hey guys," Kyle said noticing Cartman.

Cartman was just talking to the boys, but Cartman seemed different in a good way. Was it his hair, his clothes? Kyle then looked over at him.

" Hey fagged faced jew," Cartman said with a stupid smug face. Kyle changed his mind.

Then Stan looked over at Eric with anger he'd never seen before. By the expression on his face, it looked like he was going to beat the fuck out of him.

" Hey, Cartman," Stan announced.

" Oh what Stan?" Cartman said smugly, and with a giggle.

" Suck a cock and leave him alone," Stan said with a burning fire.

" Oh jee whiz I guess I'm sorry Stan, we were just joking," Cartman said in his petty voice.

" Kyle, are you okay?" Stan asked looking at him with worry in his best friend's eyes. He didn't know why, this always happened.

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