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A flurry of footsteps pulled Marlow from whatever depths of sleep she was in, but she kept her eyes closed, inching closer to the warmth behind her.


It was Bucky behind her; with his arm slung over her waist and his chest pressing against her back.

Their conversation from the night before played through her head, and a giddy smile pushed to her lips.

'I love you.'

He loved her...

After making themselves dizzy with kisses the night before, Marlow suggested he stay with her. He was supposed to sleep on the couch, but she'd gotten used to sleeping next to him since the fight in New York—not to mention she was more than happy to share.

Even happier when they laid down and he began pressing kisses across her shoulder and up her neck, causing her heart to gallop and melt all at once. It was as if he were actually making up for lost time, and in all honesty, she felt the same way. If they hadn't been at Sam's, she likely would have gladly done more. She wanted to do more.

Although, not like she had with Tobias; she realized that she wanted a distraction more so than intimacy. Even looking at her past hook-ups, her attraction had never surpassed the physical to a point where it was no longer lust but something deeper. A necessity.

She wanted to be with him. As in sex, as in company, as in support. In everyway.

She wanted Bucky.

As if her thoughts had roused him, she felt his hand shift against her belly before his fingers began tracing shapes across her skin.

"Good morning," he whispered against her neck.

She didn't bother asking how he knew she was awake, instead she turned, settling herself at eye level with him. "Morning," she replied before inching forward and pressing a light kiss against his lips.

A dazed smile overtook his face before he closed the space between them again, hand squeezing her side as he leaned into her slightly.

Her tongue brushed against his bottom lip, and she pressed against him, slipping her leg over his hips to straddle him. In response his hand slid down to her thighs, thumb brushing back and forth as his other hand moved to her waist.

There was something about kissing him that made her head fuzzy—and fuzzy in the best way possible. Where the entire world encompassed just them.

It was only when she needed a full breath that she hesitantly pulled her lips away, although even then, she pressed quick kisses to his lips to quell the need.

"Good morning," Bucky said hazily.

"You already said that," she teased.

He shrugged a little. "It's a really good morning."

She gave him another quick kiss before shifting to lie beside him again.

"We should probably get up, huh?"

It was her turn to shrug. "I'm sure we won't be missed if we stay in bed a little longer."

So that's what they did; just dazed together until the smell of cooking food drifted up to them and they decided it was time to get up.

Marlow's bag was in the room, so she unzipped the duffle while Bucky pulled on yesterday's jeans and t-shirt.

"I'm going to head downstairs and get changed, I'll see you in a minute?" he asked.

Marlow nodded, the corners of her lips pushing up as he leaned in and kissed her gently. "See you in a minute."

Another stupid smile pushed to her lips as he slipped out the door, her giddiness barely containable.

A Birdie Lost in Time | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now