"Well, she, V, Phury, and Lassiter, took Night and his second son to see Wrath."

Rhet tugged his head around to her. "Son? He has another son?"

"Umm... yes. I think his name was Mehnace."

"I have a brother?"

"It would seem so."

"Huh. Well, nice of him to let me know."

Nayah shifted uncomfortably. "I'm sure there's a reason why he didn't."

Rhet turned away and lapsed into silence.

"I don't think going to see him is a wise move," Nayah interjected into the conversation over First Meal

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"I don't think going to see him is a wise move," Nayah interjected into the conversation over First Meal. "I don't think the clinic will allow Night to visit anyway since Rhet has put him on the do-not-admit list."

Hatrhed, Night, Ace, and the rest of Hatrhed's immediate crew filled in part of the long dining table. It wasn't nearly as big or as hefty as the one in the Brother's mansion, but it held its own. Nayah, Tristan, Wilhem and his hellren, Vicktor sat to Hatrhed's right. Night, Ace, Tarra, Kyle, and his shellan, Nivian, sat to her left and everyone worked on a hearty southern meal of biscuits and gravy, complete with bacon.

"No, we won't," Vicktor affirmed. "But, he's champing at the bit to be gone, and we can't do anything after that."

"I still don't think you should push it. Let Tarra approach him," Nayah urged.

"Do you think he'll talk to her any more than he'll talk to him?" Tristan asked.

"Well, he'll talk to either or both of them if he wants to be a part of the training program," Wilhelm pointed out.

Hatrhed nodded. "I don't think he's as dumb as to refuse to be in the program because he doesn't want to talk to someone. But," she looked at Night, "we don't need the interruption and interference."

"I understand," Night said. "I will leave him alone and let him come to me."

"I will offer to answer any questions he has," Tarra added. "I was going to go and try to talk to him after First Meal."

"Okay. Make it clear that being civil, at a minimum, is a requirement for being in the program. And," Hatrhed looked at Night and Ace, "that goes for y'all, too. No pushing. Let him work his thing out. He's a good male, and we need him. Now, what other business do we have?"

Night cleared his throat. "Cathy is arriving in the morning. I've booked her a suite at the Marriott. She'll be staying there until we find a place. Shouldn't take long since we're paying cash."

Nivian piped up. "I can help with that. I have a friend who is a realtor. I'll give you her number."

"Speaking of, what're your numbers? We'll all add you to our phones," Kyle requested, to which Night and Ace answered, and everyone complied.

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