"I haven't a clue."

"Well, I can tell you what I'm not willing to do. I don't want to co-top him with you. The edge you have over me is sexual, and I'm not comfortable going there. Honestly, your best bet is to talk to V. He can tell you exactly what he wants." She grinned. "In fact, you can start with denying him until he opens up."

Jane's eyes widened. "You think so? I would think that would make him angry."

"I'm betting it won't. Not when he has the chance to get what he needs from the woman he loves. I'm only a stop-gap. Just be sure to be open about what you're doing and why. Don't let him think you're just not interested in him any more." Hatrhed began to recommend resources for Jane, who eagerly took notes on her phone, nodding. They talked about the nature of consent and why it was important not only for Vishous to be honest about what he wanted and needed but for her to be open in their negotiation.

"Thank you, Hatrhed," Jane said when they finished.

"Any time. You have my number, so if you ever need to talk more, I'm there for you guys."

Jane left Hatrhed alone in the library, staring at the fire. She sighed and found her throat tight. I thought I'd found it this time. She tossed her head, blinking, but it was pointless. She locked the door with her mind and let the tears flow.

"You know there are others out there, right?" Lassiter said from the corner.

Hatrhed, reflexes kicking in, leaped from the chair, reaching for a nonexistent weapon. She scowled. "Yes," she spat, "I know that. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it."

"Point taken." He sprawled on the sofa where Jane had been sitting. "Night has a human he needs to bring with him. Let him."

She was momentarily confused by his abrupt change of subject and frowned deeper, folding her arms over her chest. "What?"

"His personal assistant. She wants to come with him and help set up shop. Let her."

She scoffed. "She's not living at the farm."

"She doesn't have to. And neither does he. Let them settle out of the way."


"Will you do it?"

Hatrhed narrowed her eyes at him. "I don't know how I'm supposed to answer that. Are you speaking as the Scribe Virgin's replacement, or is this just friendly advice?"

"Whichever one gets you to agree."

She considered her options before finally giving in. "Fine. She can come. If, and my guess is that it's a big if, Wrath approves."


He stood, hitched up his ridiculous polka-dotted pants, and headed for the door. She watched him leave, sauntering out to the festivities, leaving her behind with her crappy mood.

At least she wasn't crying anymore, so that was a win. She sighed, ran a hand over her face and through her hair, and followed in his wake.

Tohr, Night, and Ace were waiting for her when she ambled over.

"Everything cool?" Tohr asked, eyeing Jane as she talked to V.

She reapplied her fake grin and nodded. "You bet. Who's going first?"

As it turned out, Ace was excellent at hitting his mark. As they played, Hatrhed caught Night stealing glances at Tarra. What Night didn't see were the equally clandestine glances from the Chosen.

Hatrhed leaned over to Night. "You know, I think she likes you, too."

His head whipped round to Tarra. "She does?"

Brother Remembered - Black Dagger Brotherhood FanFic - Sumter Colony 2Where stories live. Discover now