Isaac smiled. Questions meant progress. Jess was talking a more. Maybe even they'd become friends soon. "Late. Usually I wait up for him until like midnight so when he says not to wait up that means he won't be home until some ungodly hour."

Jess nodded a little to himself. It was hardly a nod but he did move his head enough to notice. "Sorry for the sudden questions, I'm a curious person and then I get nosy."

"It's alright. I don't mind answering any."

"So is it just you at home while he works? Do you not have any siblings?" Jess asked again, a sudden curiosity spreading through him.

"Nope. Just me. My mom starting getting sick when I was five so they weren't worried about having any more kids."

"Your mom was sick?" Jess cringed after he said. "Sorry, that's personal I know. Left up here."

"It's okay. Yeah she got sick, diagnosed with cancer. Neither of my parents said anything about it to me though, not until it got real bad and she had to start staying in the hospital from time to time."

"Oh damn." Jess's voice was quiet.

Isaac chuckled. "You're the first person not to apologize a million times like you put the tumor in her brain. It's refreshing."

"I used to hate the word sorry. People would befriend me and then find out I didn't have a dad present in my life and suddenly there was a million apologies over and over again. I get it."

Isaac nodded. He decided against asking anything about Jess's missing father, it wasn't any of his business. He didn't want to push too much in case Jess was uncomfortable.

"Turn right, I live down this street. The house with a horribly painted blue door."

Isaac drove until he saw the house with a light blue. The paint was chipping off and from the looks of it had been for years. He slowed to a stop at the curb.

Jess opened the door to get out but paused. He looked over his shoulder and gave Isaac a smile. It was one of his pretty smiles, bigger and more genuine than his small ones. "Thanks for today."

Isaac smiled right back. "I should be saying that. See you around?"

"Yeah. See you." Jess then proceeded to climb out of the car and walk up to his house. Isaac waited, watching him go in before leaving.

He started the drive home, flicking on the radio. A song he was only faintly familiar with came on and he let it drown out the quiet of his car, blending with the sound of the motor to make a calming melody.

He made it to his house in the dark and once his headlights went out the only light was from his neighbor's porch lamp. He made his way up to the door and fumbled with his keys for a bit before getting it to unlock.

He walled into the house and was met with silence, just like always. Home sweet home. He let out an exasperated sigh and made his way back to his bedroom.

He had to maneuver in the dark as all the lights were off, there was just one lamp on the living room giving off light. Luckily he had become an expert at walking through his house with very little to no light because any time he gets home after dark it's like this. He doesn't like leaving them on when no one's home because it shoots the electricity bill up.

Zack finally made it to his own room and flicked the light switch. He immediately cringed at the sudden brightness but his eyes adjusted soon so he could start changing.

Once in more comfortable clothing, a pair of joggers in this case, the light was turned back off and he dove backwards on the bed. He turned his TV on and clicked on HBO Max.

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