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Part 2
"Bye,we'll miss you!" Me and Red say to Trish and Jannet flying home.
"Lets just try to for get what happened!" Red says to me.Its been three days since that whole thing happened."Dont you have a date with Steven today?"she asks with a smile."Yes.Dont YOU have a date with Peter today?"I ask."Yes."she says.
"You go on dates everyday."I say."So."she says.We get back to the hotel and get ready for out dates.
Meet you at 7:00!
The text from Peter says.And to think all this happened because a crazy women wanted to destroy the world.
We're going to a fancy restaurant tonight. It's only 5:30 but I'm so excited I go and get ready.Im wearing a red tight dress and my hair up."You look beautiful!"Ann says."Thank you."I say."Ok time to go come on."She drops me off at the restaurant and I go in.Its exactly 7:00 pm and he isn't here yet.I sit down at the table."Hello,would you like anything to drink?"a waitress asks me."No thanks im waiting for someone."I say."Ok."she says and walks away.I try calling him at 7:30 but he doesn't answer.He'll be here.I think.He will be here!"Ma'am are sure you don't want anything?"she asks."He'll be here."I say."Yes ma'am."she says and walks away.at 8:00 he still isn't here.
I wait until 9,then decide he isn't going to show up.I get a taxi back to the hotel.I walk in the room and start crying.
Why didn't you show up?!
Because your famous right?!
You don't care do you?!
I text him.I lay on my bed and start crying.
"Ok babe see you tomorrow!"Steven says and I walk in my hotel room.Red's sitting on the bed crying.Her makeup's running."Oh my gosh Red! What's wrong?"I ask."He never showed up.I waited three freaking hours and he never showed up!"she says."Seriously?!"I say."Forget about him.How was your night with Steven?"she asks."No forget about it.We're going over to that dirt bags house and giving him a piece of our minds!"I say.We get in my car and head to Peter's house.His truck is here.The doors unlocked so we walk in."Oh my gosh."Red says.The house is wrecked! Broken things everywhere,trashed like someone came in with a bat and just demolished it.His phone is sitting on the table and red picks it up."What happened to him?!"she says.She picks up a note off of the table and reads it.

We have him.If you want him,come get him at my ware house.In Boston.

It says."No! She's supposed to be dead!"she screams."Looks like we're borrowing his jet."I say.We walk to his back yard."Looks like I'm flying again."I say and take off.Red lays on the couch crying,thinking,maybe planning.She doesn't talk much.We get to the front door of the ware house."Lets go."I say.We get to the top and hear him screaming.Red busts down the door."What are you doing to him!?"she yells.She runs up to the woman and punches her square in the nose.Then she runs to Peter."Oh my gosh,what did they do you?"she nasks.She hugs him."Thats what happens when you don't listen to me."she says.He's got cuts and he's pretty banged up."I'll kill you."red says.She grabs a needle off the shelf in front of her and jumps toward the woman,Peter grabs her and pulls her back."What are you doing!?Let me go!"she yells."No." He says."He's under my control now.He doesn't know who you are.He works for me."she says"Dont you ever turn your back! Because the second you do your dead."Red says."I doubt that."she says."Peter,kill her."she says."No!"red says."Peter stop!"she says.He doesn't listen he starts punching her and choking her.I try to help but someone grabs me and holds me from behind."Peter! Peter I know you can hear me!Stop please.Stop!"red says but he doesn't."I love you!"she says."Do you love me?"she asks,and he stops .Tears are running down Red's face.She knows its not Peters fault and she's trying to make him fight whatevers controlling him.It works.Because he lets out a "yes."
"What?No!"the woman says."How did you do that?"she asks."Peter kill her!"she says again.He lifts his fist up,but stops."No."he says."I control you."she says trying to get in his mind."No she doesn't Peter."Red says."Peter,what's my name?"red asks."R..Red."he says."Stop."Red says.And he does.Red stands up and walks over to the woman.She grabs her by her throat."Take that control thing out of his brain!"she yells."I don't know how it is but you do!now stop it!"she yells."Or die."Red says tightening her hand around the woman's throat."How did you fight it?"She sadly."Love."I say.and it's true.

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