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I close my book and put it on the night stand.Its 8:00 am and we're sitting here bored.So we go shopping.
I love the mall."That's so cute!" Red yells and runs to the dresses."Foooooood!" Jannet says and goes to Pizza Hut."Those....boots....are....Bæ!" Trish says.Im now standing alone in the big jungle.A girl that looks familiar walks in the mall."Violet?" I say."Oh my gosh!"I run up to one of my friends who I haven't seen in months.I hug her tight.She doesn't hug back much.She says a simple,"Hi." And smiles."You! It's been forever!"I say,waiting for a response."Yes,it has."she says."I missed you!" I say."You have to come meet my friends!" I say.I pull her forward.All the girls are in Pizza Hut now."Red,Trish,Jannet this is violet.One of my old besties!" I say."Hiiiiii."they all say."Hello." Violet says."Sit,eat with us."I say,sitting down and patting the seat next to me."No.Im not very hungry at the moment."she says.Usually she'd grab half the pizza and start eating it."Oh.I have to admit you have changed in six months."I say."Yes,well,that seems to happen in life."She says.I overlook her strangeness.
After lunch,we all go back to the coliseum.No ones their anymore."This is where we were."I say,continuing my story of the tornado.We go back in the hallway and down to the shelter.If anyone caught us,we'd be in trouble right now."So how's your family?"I ask."Fine."she says."You remember when we were little and we made my brother eat a bug?"I ask laughing."I don't recall."she says."oh."I say."How's your dad George doing?"I ask."Fine."she says.Her dads name isn't George and she usually corrects me when I say that.This is not the violet i know.I look in the survival box in the shelter."What are you doing? Stop!" I hear Trish and turn around.Violet pulls a gun out of her jacket and points it at her.I grab a knife from the survival box and throw it at Violet.It lands in her back.She falls to the ground.I look at her body.I go to turn her on her side and she lunges for me.Shes not dead.I grab the knife out of her back and shove it in her stomach,but she still keeps fighting.She's on top of me.Red gets on top of her an twists her head.I hear a loud cracking noise and she falls down twitching.Still alive though,but not fighting anymore.I grab the knife and cut her throat.No blood,no bone.Metal and wires.I look up at my three friends.Then violet stutters something.We don't catch it at first then we hear what she's saying clearly."Kill Humans.Kill Humans."I cut some of the wires and her eyelids close and she's quiet."What the.." Jannet says.I start pulling out wires and parts."Hey I found something!"I say.Its a chip,like a memory card."I brought my computer." Trish says taking the bag off her shoulder and taking out her computer.I put the chip in the memory card slot. A women with short Black hair appears on screen saying "Kill Humans! Kill humans!"and shuts off.We all stare at the blank screen.I take out my note book and write under weird things Robots."This is bad." Red says."How? We got her didn't we?" Trish says."Trish.If theres one,there's more."Red says.

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