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We find a small piece of paper with number's on it.it says 'Shut down system code.'I put it in my pocket,well,I would have but,we went back to the concert and I had on my dress and never changed.I hold it.The woman quickly presses a button.It causes Tornados to pop up everywhere and robots.Their surrounding us again."Ann,we jumped out of the window tomorrow,and it put us to today,if we do it again we have the code to shut it down and it will be the day before any of this happened!"Red says,she's right.We can shut her down before anyone knew about it."Ok let's jump!"I say."Jump? Out a window ten feet down? No thanks."Peter says."Trust me,we've done it before out of the same window!"Red says."Sorry Peter."Trish says and
pushes him out.Then we all jump out.
Everyone except Peter are back at the hotel the day before the concert."Lets go save the world!"Red says."For real this time."Jannet says.We drive back to Peters house."He's not here!"Red says."Great! What do we do now?"I ask.Then a black F1-50 pulls up.Peter hops put of the truck."Sorry.I had a concert today."he says."Oh."Red says and looks at me."Well I didn't know that."she says."I should have though."she says."So I'm guessing back to the jet?"he asks."Yup."I say.We get back in the jet.And fly BACK to Boston.I think Red's gotten over her fear of flying by now.Either that,or she's just not paying attention to flying because her and Peter won't stop talking.Trish doesn't sit by them this time.We got to Boston and off the jet."This should be easy since there arnt any robots."Red says,and indeed it is! We get to the top of the building with ease.The only thing is,no weapons.We bust in the room and I grab the woman's neck.I hand the paper to Red,she puts in the code and the system shuts down."No!"the woman yells."Noooo!"she says.I let her go."My masterpiece! My perfect plan! You ruined it! No!"she says.We go and open the door that the prisoners were in the first time.Theres a boy my age sitting in the cell.He's handsome."Who are you?"he asks."Im Ann.Your safe now."I say."I am?She said she was going to turn me into a robot."he says."She was,but not now."I say."Come with us.whats your name?"I ask."Steven."he says.I look around and Red and Peter are walking down stairs out of the building.I follow them.
Apparently there was only one prisoner."Hey,can we go and walk?"Peter asks me."Um,sure."I say.We walk downstairs and out of the building."So,you four actually saved mankind."He says."You helped.You let us borrow your jet."I say."Only because a beautiful girl asked me to use it."he said smiling."Who?"I ask."You."he says."Me?"I say in shock."Yes.Im ...."he says and stops."Im in love with you."he says.I just stand there.HIM in love with ME?
This makes N-O sense!He puts his hand on my face and I look in his eyes."I love you,Red."he says."I....I love you to."I say.
Stop! Just stop! I need to think.Did Peter,just tell Red he loves her?! Ok I need to breathe!In out in out.I feel a tap on my shoulder.I turns round.Its Steven."Oh,hi."I say."Hey.Um,I just wanted to say.Your really,cute and I'd love to take you on a date,when all of this settles down."he says.Oh,wow."Ok,yes!Of course!"I say.I look back at Red and Peter.No....way.Are they.....kissing?!Ok,lesson learned I won't follow her anymore.
Trish and Jannet walk out."Ok well,we don't need To worry about that women anymore she just killed herself so.Yeh."Trish says."What...."Jannet says looking at Red and Peted."Dont ask."I say.Apparently Red looks and sees me."Ann are you really spying on me?!"She yells."Well,your kind of like a little sister that I have to protect."I say.She rolls her eyes.
This wasn't so bad.
Red and Peter seem happy.
Me and Steven are happy.
Jannet and Food are happy,
And Trish and shoes are happy.
Lets just not go through this again!
(End of Part 1)

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