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I've thought about what I'll miss when I die.

I always land on music.

Orchestras, choirs, ballads,

Simple song

I'll miss

The way you can almost taste it

Like thick jelly rolls.

Glazed in syrup and jazz

Stuffed with cream and bass

I'll miss the way it tickles my ear

And whispers sweet everything's

I'll miss the way it almost feels like a window into the eyes

And thus the soul

Of the universe

Into its mind

Into what it's thinking

What we're all thinking

And I'll miss her

The way she loved me

The way she destroyed me

The way she hated me

The way she whispered bitter nothings into my nightmares

The way she embodied both god and the devil

The way she made me a preacher and a satanist

The way she licked every inch of glaze off my jelly roll

And still begged for seconds

The way she tasted me until she fell into diabetic shock

And died

I miss her

And I'll miss her when I die

And I'll miss music when I die

Because these were moments when I truly felt alive

When I no longer understood pain,

but I met it

Said hello,

Became friends,

And engaged in making sweet love.

Pain and I got married on January 16, 2004

I've thought about what I'll miss when I die

I'll miss you.

I miss you. 

Devidasi's SpielWhere stories live. Discover now