You'll Be In My Heart

Start from the beginning

"Ghast also got an B+" Herobrine said Ghast smile Enderman is proud of his girlfriend.

"Creeper got an C" Herobrine said Creeper smile.

"Slime got an D-" Herobrine said Slime look down but, Creeper tells him that he'll get better which that makes him smile and blush.

"Pigman got an F-" Herobrine said Pigman is shocked.

"Zombie also got an F-" Herobrine said both Pigman and Zombie are upset which Skeleton and I rolled our eyes.

"Wither got an A+" Herobrine said I smile but, I'm hoping that Skelly will get the same grade as me.

"Skeleton got an A+" Herobrine said Skeleton is shocked I hug him so tight I'm so proud of him "I'm so proud of you..." I said Skeleton smile as we hug each other.

"Florence got an A+" Herobrine said Florence smile to herself.

"And, Reekid got an B+" Herobrine said Reekid smile.

After Monster School,

Skeleton and I went home and went to out bedroom I close the door behind me and we sit on the bed we both hug each other "I'm so proud of you my Skelly..." I said.

Skeleton smile "I know but, you help me with it..." he said I smile at him "I know but, I'm still proud..." I said Skeleton blushes.

We gently pull away the hug as we stare at each other I gently place my right hand under his chin and we slowly lean in and we started kissing each other.

Skelly started blushing as I gently place my left hand on his back Skelly place his hands on my hips as we kiss.

We kiss for a while before we gently pull away we both smile at each other before we lay down next to each other I still have my right hand under Skeleton's chin.

It was dark outside as we stare at each other "I love you Wither..." Skeleton said softly with a smile "I love you too Skelly..." I said also softly with a smile.

Skeleton is about to close his eyes before he ask me something "Wither..." Skeleton said softly "mmm..?" I ask softly while looking at him "Can you sing to me..?" Skeleton ask softly.

I smile at him "Sure..." I said softly before we hug each other as I'm warming Skeleton I clear my throat as we smile at each other.

"Come stop your crying it will be all right just take my hand hold it tight I will protect you from all around you I will be here don't you cry..." I softly sing to him as Skeleton listen to my voice.

"For one so small you seem so strong my arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm this bond between us can't be broken I will be here don't you cry..." As I sing softly to him Skeleton have one small tear coming down his eye I gently wipe it away he never heard me sing to him before.

"'Cause you'll be in my heart yes, you'll be in my heart from this day on now and forever more you'll be in my heart no matter what they say you'll be here in my heart, always..." I sing softly to Skeleton.

"Why can't they understand the way we feel they just don't trust what they can't explain I know we're different but, deep in side us we're not that different at all..." I sing softly to Skeleton before kissing his lips for a bit before pulling away.

"And you'll be in my heart yes, you'll be in my heart from this day on now and forever more..." I sing softly to Skeleton as he's still listening to my soft voice he loves the way I sing to him as he blush.

"Don't listen to them 'Cause what do they know we need each other, to have, to hold they'll see in time I know..." I sing softly to Skeleton as we stare at each other with a smile.

"When destiny calls you most be strong I may not be with you but you've got to hold on they'll see in time I know 'Cause you'll be in my heart believe me, you'll be in my heart I'll be there from this day on from this day and forever more..."I sing Skeleton is almost gonna have tears coming down his eyes I gently wipe the tears away from his eyes.

"Oh, you'll be in my heart no matter what they say you'll be here in my heart, always..." I sing to him before I kiss him on the lips for a bit before pulling away.

"Always, I'll be with you I'll be there for you always, always and always just look over your shoulder, just look over your shoulder, just look over your shoulder, I'll be there always..." I finish singing to him.

Skeleton stares at me "I love your singing voice Wither..." he said I smile at him "I know you do just remember I'm in your heart..." I said winking at him Skeleton blush before he close his eyes.

I stare at him my right hand is still under his chin we slowly lean in and we started kissing each other for a long while before pulling away I gently put the bed sheets on us before I close my eyes.

I'm still hugging Skeleton in bed warming him up he doesn't like to be cold so I'm using my body to warm up if he's getting cold I gently kiss him on the lips as my right hand is still under his chin.

Skeleton kiss me back as he's blushing we love the soft feel of our lips pressing against each other and the sounds of our lips smacking sounds so beautiful we kiss for a while before we gently pull away.

I open my eyes as I stare at Skelly he's so cute as I hug him close to my warm body I gently peck his lips for a bit before pulling away "Always..." I said in a whisper before closing my eyes.


This is a heartwarming❤️ story about🏳️‍🌈 Wither X Skelly🏳️‍🌈 I almost cry when I write this story. See you guys soon.😊

This is the song that Wither sing to Skelly.

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