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In this story some of the bottoms are scared of thunderstorms let's see what would the tops do if they see them scared.

Creeper X Slime

Creeper's POV

Slime is shaking a bit as the storm have started it was the middle of the night and he can't sleep because of the thunder Slime turn around to see me still sleeping 'How does he sleep like this' Slime thought.

'Maybe I should go back to sleep' he thought he lay back down and try and go back to sleep but, than a loud thunder have woken Slime he started shaking again 'I need to wake up Creeper' Slime thought he bounce to my side trying to wake me up.

I open my eyes to notice Slime is on my side "Slime why are you up what happen..?" I ask Slime is shaking a bit and I know something is wrong "Slime..." I said.

Slime stares at me for a bit before saying "The thunder scares me..." he said I get up and Slime got off of me we both hug for a bit before pulling away "Slimey it's okay the thunder won't hurt you and I'm here you don't need to be scared..." I said comforting him.

Slime smile at me I smile back before we lay back down I let Slime sleeping next to me I also kiss him head before we close our eyes we manage to sleep pass the storm Slime doesn't need to worry anymore.

Enderman X Ghast

Enderman's POV

I know I hate getting wet because I hate water but, I also hate seeing my girlfriends getting scared of storms like thunderstorms I woke up by thunder and I notice Ghast is awake "Hey are you okay..?" I ask.

Ghast turn to me and said "I know I'm scared of thunderstorms but, I think it's very pretty to see the light from the thunder..." she said I laugh I know Ghast is very brave of some things but, she not scared of thunderstorms anymore.

"So you like thunderstorms now..?" I ask Ghast nodded "Yea but, I'm worried about the others some of our friends hate thunderstorms with a passion like Slime and Skeleton..." she said.

I know the Slime and Skeleton are very scared of thunderstorms I don't know why tho but, I don't want to ask them I think they hate them because of the rumble of the thunder.

"Do you have a good point I'm also worried about them as well but, they are save..." I said Ghast nodded before I kiss her forehead before we lay back down on our bed and fall a sleep the storm is over the next morning.   

Pigman X Zombie

Pigman's POV

I hate thunderstorms because it ruined my sleep but, when Zombie is awake scared of thunderstorms I don't wanna help him with this he can handle this himself "Pigman are you awake..." Zombie ask.

I didn't move because I'm trying to sleep "No I'm not now leave me alone..." I said Zombie comes closer to me "Come on you are awake your just pretending to be asleep..." he said I rolled my eyes.

"So I don't care about this storm it ruined my sleep every time and every time you wake me up I lost me sleep and I can't sleep for the rest of the night I have to take naps so I can get some sleep and that piss me off so go back to sleep..." I said.

Zombie didn't went back to sleep his arms are cross "Is that why you fell asleep in class everyday and you get into trouble for it..." he said.

"Shut up..." I said trying to go back to sleep Zombie rolled his eyes as he finally went back to sleep for the rest of the night I can't sleep all thinks to my boyfriend who wake me up the next day I got into trouble by Herobrine all because I sleep in class again.

Wither X Skelly

Wither's POV

the thunder rumble as the lighting from outside lights up Skeleton started shaking and sobbing in my grasp I open my eyes to his sobs "Skelly are you okay..?" I said Skeleton is sobbing in my chest.

I gently hold Skeleton very close to me as he sobbed and hiccupped "Shhhhhhhhh I'm here..." I said using my soft voice Skeleton is still crying from the storm I feel so bad I know he hates thunderstorm but, I never see anything like this from him.

I gently sit up with Skeleton in my arms I hold him gently as I'm comforting him "Come stop your crying it will be alright just take my hand hold it tight I will protect you from all around you I will be here don't you cry..." I use my soft voice to sing to him.

Skeleton is still sobbing and hiccupping in my chest but, he listen to my soft voice "For one so small you seem so strong my arms will hold to keep you safe and warm this bond between us can't be broken I will be here don't you cry..." I sing to him.

I'm still using my soft voice to him Skeleton have stop sobbing and hiccupping but, tears are still coming down his eyes "Cause you'll be in my heart yes, you'll be in my heart from his day on now and forever more...".

Skeleton open his eyes still having tears but, he still listen to my soft voice "You'll be in my heart no matter what they say you'll be in my heart always..." I kiss his forehead very gently before pulling away and saying to him in a whisper "Always...".

I stare at him with love in my eyes Skeleton stares at me back before I gently place my left hand under chin and we gently lean in and we started kissing my warm lips gently kiss him as Skeleton is blushing.

We kiss for a while before we gently pull away we both smile "You feel better..?" I ask using my soft voice as I wipe the tears away from his eyes "Yea I'm better thank you being their for me..." Skeleton said also using his soft voice.

"Oh Skelly I'm always their for you..." I said we both smile as we started kissing again but, this time a bit longer Skeleton gently place his hands on my hips as we kiss the storm is also over as the last lighting came with a little rumble.

We gently pull away with a blush on Skeleton's cheeks I chuckled to see him like this we gently lay back down on our bed I gently place Skeleton next to my warm body he snuggled my body gently I wrap my arms around him.

"You're so cute..." I said using my soft voice Skeleton softly and cutely chuckled I smile at him before kissing his lips again before I gently pull away I watch Skeleton close his eyes as he went back to sleep.

I gently peck (lightly kiss) his forehead before I also close my eyes also going back to sleep holding Skelly tightly as we slept.


Which one of the tops have take care of their bottoms during the thunderstorm I'll give you some tips of what happened .

Slime is shaking and Creeper tell him that the storm won't hurt him.

Enderman found out that Ghast is not afraid of thunderstorms anymore.

Pigman didn't bother helping or comforting Zombie from the storm.

Wither hold Skelly very close to him and sing "You'll be in my heart" song to him to comfort and also being their for him.

Now you know what do you think who did it better comment below and you are alone to give me some request, dares, challenges, and stories if you can I can wait and see what you come up with.

See you there.😊

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