Chapter 9: Shopping Spree in the System Shop

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As I walked home from the gang fight, I couldn't help but feel disappointed in myself. I had lost, and it was a bitter pill to swallow. But I wasn't going to give up. I knew that I had to train harder and get stronger.

With that in mind, I decided to spend the next day exploring the system and seeing what I could do to improve my skills. I opened up the system menu and browsed through the options, eventually coming across the system shop.

"Welcome to the System Shop," a robotic voice greeted me. "What can I help you with today?"

I looked through the different categories of items, from weapons to armor to accessories. I decided to start with weapons and began to scroll through the options.

After much consideration, I decided to purchase a pair of steel tonfas. They were a bit pricey, but I had saved up enough gold from my previous quests and fights to afford them.

"Item Purchased: Steel Tonfas. Cost: 500 Gold."

I equipped the tonfas and practiced using them in my backyard, feeling the weight of them in my hands

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I equipped the tonfas and practiced using them in my backyard, feeling the weight of them in my hands. They felt sturdy and strong, and I knew they would come in handy in my next fight.

But I wasn't done yet. I continued to browse through the system shop, eventually coming across the armor section. I decided to purchase a set of leather armor, as I knew I needed better protection in my fights.

"Item Purchased: Leather Armor. Cost: 700 Gold."

I equipped the armor and felt it fit snugly against my body

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I equipped the armor and felt it fit snugly against my body. It was lightweight yet protective, and I knew it would make a difference in my next battle.

I continued to explore the system shop, eventually coming across the accessories section. I decided to purchase a pair of iron boots, as I knew they would add an extra oomph to my kicks.

"Item Purchased: Iron Boots. Cost: 400 Gold."

I equipped the boots and felt the weight of them on my feet. They were heavy, but I knew they would add extra power to my kicks.

As I browsed through the shop, I noticed a new option called "Vanity." Curious, I clicked on it and read the description.

"Vanity: Hide your equipped armor for aesthetic purposes. No effect on stats or abilities. Cost: 100 Gold."

I thought about it for a moment and decided to purchase the Vanity option. I didn't want to show off my armor, but I still wanted to keep its benefits.

With the new option activated, my armor disappeared from view, leaving me looking like an average student once again. I felt relieved, knowing that I wouldn't attract any unwanted attention.

But I didn't stop there. I continued to browse through the shop, looking for any new items that could aid me in future quests. That's when I found it: the "Shadow Strike" card.

"Shadow Strike: A powerful attack that deals extra damage to enemies with low health. Cost: 200 Gold."

Without hesitation, I purchased the Shadow Strike card and added it to my collection. With my new attack in hand, I felt confident in taking on even tougher foes.

I also spent some gold on restorative items like potions and bandages, just in case I needed them during my quests. I was determined to be prepared for anything that came my way.

As I exited the shop, I felt satisfied with my purchases. The questing system was tough, but with the right equipment and skills, I knew I could overcome any obstacle. 

Right as I thought this, a notiflication appeared in front of me.

[System: Penalty, teleporting to penalty area.]

[System: Penalty Quest:Survive]

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