Chapter 6: Break The Iron!!

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Feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness, I walked towards the address Kabu had given me. As I approached the building, I noticed a group of tough-looking individuals standing outside. They eyed me suspiciously as I walked past them.

I took a deep breath and entered the building. Inside, I was greeted by the sound of loud music and the smell of cigarette smoke. The place was packed with people, all of them dressed in black and sporting various tattoos and piercings.

 The place was packed with people, all of them dressed in black and sporting various tattoos and piercings

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I made my way towards the back of the room, where Kabu was waiting for me. He gave me a quick nod, and motioned for me to follow him.

As we walked deeper into the building, I couldn't help but feel a sense of danger looming over me. The people around me looked like they were not to be messed with, and I couldn't help but wonder if I had made a mistake in coming here.

Kabu led me to a room at the end of the hallway. Inside, there were several people sitting around a table, all of them staring at me intently.

"What do you want?" one of them asked gruffly.

"I want to join you," I replied, trying my best to sound confident.

There was a moment of silence as the people at the table exchanged glances.

"Why should we let you join?" another person asked.

"I have skills. I can fight," I said, trying to convince them.

There was a smirk on one of their faces as they stood up from the table.

"Alright then. If you want to join, you have to prove yourself. You'll have to fight one of our members, and if you win, we'll consider letting you in."

Without hesitation, I nodded my head. I was ready for this.

The person I was going to fight was a tall, muscular guy with a shaved head. He wore a red cap to cover it. He looked like he had been in a lot of fights before. I tried my best not to let my nerves show as I stepped into the makeshift ring.

 I tried my best not to let my nerves show as I stepped into the makeshift ring

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"You look pretty tiny, this will be a complete waste of time."

"My names Jin-woo Sam, They call me the Bronze Fist. The Iron Fist is our boss, but I doubt you'll get past me. You'll Also be fighting one of my companions.

I stood my ground, facing off against Jin-woo Sam. His eyes bore into mine, filled with malice and hatred. I could tell he wasn't going to back down easily.

Without a word, Jin-woo charged at me, swinging his fists wildly. I dodged his attacks with ease, using my quick reflexes to evade his blows.

I Jabbed at the companion who was just standing there watching the fight go down.

"Is that all you've got?" I taunted him, feeling confident with my newly acquired Jab Card.

Jin-woo growled and lunged at me once again, this time with a more calculated approach. He feinted to the left, causing me to shift my weight in that direction, and then struck out with his right fist.

I barely managed to block his punch in time, but the force of the blow still sent me staggering backwards.

Jin-woo seized the opportunity to press his advantage, launching a flurry of strikes at me. I weaved and bobbed, doing my best to avoid his attacks, but I could feel my energy waning.

As I stumbled back, I felt a notification appear in front of me.

"Level Up! You have gained 10 XP for defeating Jin-woo's henchmen. Current Level: 4."

I grinned, feeling a surge of energy flow through me

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I grinned, feeling a surge of energy flow through me. With renewed vigor, I stepped back into the fray.

Jin-woo sneered at me, clearly unimpressed by my show of strength. He charged at me once again, but this time, I was ready.

I activated my Jab Card and delivered a powerful blow to his midsection. Jin-woo grunted in pain, stumbling backwards.

"You think you're tough?" he spat at me, before launching himself at me again.

But I was prepared. I countered his attacks with precision, using my newfound strength to my advantage.

The fight raged on, with neither of us giving an inch. We traded blow for blow, each trying to gain the upper hand.

As the fight dragged on, I felt myself getting stronger and more skilled. I was learning from every move Jin-woo made, and using that knowledge to my advantage.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I saw my chance. Jin-woo overextended himself with a wild swing, and I saw an opening.

With a fierce determination, I unleashed a barrage of punches on him, ending with a powerful Jab to his face.

Jin-woo stumbled backwards, dazed and disoriented. I saw my chance and lunged at him, delivering a final blow that sent him crashing to the ground.

The fight was over. I had emerged victorious.

I stood there, panting and covered in sweat, looking down at Jin-woo's prone form. I felt a sense of satisfaction wash over me, knowing that I had stood up to him and won.

Another notification appeared in front of me.

"Quest Complete. Rewards: 500 Gold, 1000 XP."

[Passive Card Unlocked

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[Passive Card Unlocked. Strength II]

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