What Are You Doing Here, Sherlock?

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Lenora stared at me and disbelief, started and pulled the covers over herself as she sat up. I had not a clue what to do so I simply stared back. "Sherlock, what are you doing in my bedroom?" She asked with a slight shake in her voice. I could imagine the indecent conclusions to be drawn with this discovery. A gentleman having snuck into a lady's room in the dead of night. Not that I would do such a thing, the very thought makes me sick.
I told her blunty: "You have been crying frequently. I have come to deduct the cause. That photo that lies under your pillow is the reason. I need you to give it here so that I may uncover this man's identity and go to his residence presently. I will give him a stern talking to." As I spoke, I stared into her face which contorted with emotions. Confusion. Panic. Anger.
"I cannot let you do that." She informed me quietly.
I crossed my arms and furrowed my brow. "Now Lenora, I shan't fight him. Simply converse with him. Why will you not allow me?"
She looked at me for a long while while moving her mouth slowly, wordlessly, beginning to firm words but never finishing them. I waited and watched. What could be the problem? As a deceive, shouldn't I be aware of what may be troubling her? What prevented that knowledge?
Analyse each emotion in solitude:
Confusion. Why would she be confused? Could I have the wrong idea somehow? Could it be a photo of a deceased pet or family member? An old friend? A favourite fictional character? A historical figure that she is fond of? Did she believe I knew about this photo?
Panic. Could it be a photo of me? Being that I have yet to admit my fancying her. Is it in fact a man that she fears I am jealous of? Someone I know well? Someone who I like or one whom I loathe?
Anger. Angry that I broke into her private quarters? Angry to see me? Angry that it is so late? Angry that I woke her?
Which is correct? How do I find that out? The identity of the person or other entity in the photograph is the main question. Which is most likely? Where to start? Where I began already was as good a place as any.
I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.
"I have mulled over various possibilities. Now, there seems to be some sort of disconnect between you and I, as you know the identity of the photo and I do not. Will you answer my questions so that I may deduce the identity of the photograph?"
Lenora continued looking at me in surprise.
She nodded slowly.
"Is it a man?"
She nodded.
"Do I know him?"
Her face turned to anger again. "Please leave, Sherlock! I am tired and wish to sleep. I will not report you to The Yard for breaking in my flat but I request that you leave now."
I raised an eyebrow. "That's a yes."
She looked even more angry. "SHERLOCK!"
"Fine, we shall resume in the morn. Goodbye."
I said while walking out the door that she held open. I looked back at her but she closed the door in my face. I quietly went back to my own flat and was surprised to see John standing near the door with a phone in his hand. He dropped it and stared at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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