Fancy Meeting You Here!

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(Lenora belongs to Lenora-Holmes, Briazra belongs to my friend)
Now, after observing this I write it down in my special observation notebook reserved for this purpose. Normal people might call this a diary.
I made sure this behaviour was consistent before moving on in my observation. I now had to conveniently place myself on related cases here in London. I would somehow figure this woman out. I mean, of course I will! I'm Sherlock Holmes!
At any rate, I had yet to discover anything significant that goes on in that pretty head of her's.
Often I catch myself wondering... Is this the right way to approach this? But of course, whether right or wrong it had to be done.(If anyone reading this has any tips as to another way I might achieve better results do tell in the comment section)
Just as I was going to begin my plan I hear a yelling from the parlor. "Sherlock! You've been going out for days at a time. What is this about? It doesn't seem.... Normal. Even for you I mean:" I sighed. John would think I was a stalker or something similar if I told him what I was doing. But what could I tell him? I could lie but I think he'd see through it. "What is it, Sherlock?" He asked while putting his hands on my shoulders(which was highly amusing to watch considering his height deprievation).
I mumbled:"No. You'd call me a creep..." He cocked his head at this.
"What was that?" John asked while cupping his hand beside his ear.
"I said: No. You'd call me a creep!" I yelled at him fiercer than I wanted to convey. He looked surprised.
"Try me. I promise to try not to think you're a creep." John was smiling at me now in a sobered amusement.
I groaned. "Fine. It's... Lenora." His eyebrows knitted together.
"What about her...?" He asked. "Oh. Have you been... Seeing her?" I laughed.
"Not exactly." I told him.
He crossed his arms. "What then?" I glared at him. He returned the favour.
"I have been... Investigating her..." I replied while looking at my feet. His mouth gapped open.
"You've been spying in her?" He exclaimed. My face flushed darkly. "Why? Is she a subject in the murder case?" He asked in a hushed voice.
"No... John. I'm....... Infatuated with her." I told him plainly. The room was silent for what felt like an entire day.
"Oh. Good for you." He replied suddenly. "Be careful Sherlock. She's a detective. She knows how to protect herself. Stalking her may not be your best plan of action." I just looked at him. How would he know? He isn't exactly the most.... Effective at getting a girl. I think Briazra only puts up with him out of pity. No... No. I know I was just making things up out of bitterness. I smiled at him in a broken sort of way. "What would you suggest?" I asked him. He smiled.
"Try talking to her, Sherlock. Not just about detective work either. You can start that way but that isn't what most people enjoy talking about." I eyed him nervously.
"Come on, then." I told him simply. I walked out and called a taxi. When we arrived at the site of her investigation I came up to her rather boldly and exclaimed:
"Fancy meeting you here!"

A Study in Lawson (Sherlock X Lenora/ Lenorlock)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora