She's pretty sure the punch actually knocks her out for a few seconds because Lisa's trying to pull one of the guys away from Y/n when she opens her eyes, shouting profanities at them.

"Leave her alone!" Jisoo screams just as one of the guys kicks Y/n in the stomach again.

"Don't you know not to mess with guys twice your size?!" The guy grunts and is about to throw another punch in Y/n's face.

Something happens; Y/n hears a sizzling noise, like someone's spraying some deodorant or something, and then the guy above her howls in pain and falls backwards to the ground.

The guy starts sobbing and Y/n groans, blinks her eyes open. She sees Jisoo looking down at her with tears in her eyes and a tube of something in her hands, and a second later her eyes start burning.

"What the fuck!"

"W-What?" Jisoo sounds panicked. "Oh my god! Oh my god, Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Fuck! Fuck what is that?!"

"It's pepper spray! It wasn't meant for you! I'm sorry, Y/n, oh my god, I didn't know what to do-"

And then the police arrive.


Y/n can't stop crying.

They're sitting at the police station, in the waiting room. The three guys are sitting in front of them on the other side; two of them only looking mildly beat up while the third is still crying her eyes out, his face blotchy and as red as a tomato. Y/n probably doesn't look any better.

If he wasn't the cause of Y/n's split lip and the awful throbbing in her stomach and on her swollen cheek, Y/n would feel bad for her because damn, pepper spray has got to be a weapon straight out of hell.

Jisoo sprayed that thing straight into the guy's face, while Y/n only caught a small whiff of it and honestly, it still feels like she's never going to be able to see again. Her eyes are watering no matter what, and She can't open them without them burning even though they've been sitting here for almost an hour now.

The police only give them an earful, telling them what could've happened if one of them got seriously hurt.

Lisa says she wants to press charges because one of the guys harassed Jisoo by grabbing her butt (which Jisoo finally admitted after the police officer asked her).

The three guys deny it. They say her friend dropped her phone and accidentally happened to touch her there, and that the only reason the fight happened was Lisa punching their friend for no reason.

And, of course, the police let them off the hook, because everyone involved (including Jisoo) were intoxicated when it happened and they can't fully trust anyone's statement at this point.

They're also really mad about Jisoo possessing a pepper spray, since it's apparently not fully legal to own one without permission.

They take it away from her, but that's as far as it goes; they're allowed to leave after that.


Y/n's entire body is just one single pain when She wakes up in the morning.

Her lip looks okay, there's just a cut on the side but her cheek is bruised. So are her ribs, and the front of her stomach. Her knuckles are bruised too. She's not nice to look at.

Showering is a nightmare. Walking hurts. Lying down hurts. Even eating hurts.

How lovely.

Lisa and Jisoo come over in the afternoon after forcing Y/n to take the day off from work; She calls in sick, because telling her boss that she got into a fight and ended up at the police station probably wouldn't be such a good idea.

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