Prologue- New horizons

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Taking a closer look, the first figure seems to be a male, looking like some sort of green bunny. His clothes make it look like he just fought an army.

The second figure is also a male. He doesn't look like any sort of animal, unlike the first one, and is wearing some tattered cloths. He could be mistaken for a corpse, if not for the fact that he is breathing. He also has white hair and wrinkled lips, that look like a dry desert filled with cracks.

The first small figure looks to be a female, with light gray hair, and a tiny horn sticking out of the right side of her forehead. She's wearing a white dress shirt with a frilled collar and a plain red pinafore with two large, golden buttons on either side of her chest. Under this, she wears gray tights and a large set of tan boots.

The second small figure is a male with short spiky black hair. He's wearing a short-sleeved collared shirt with buttons and dark shorts, along with red high-top sneakers.

The last figure, and the one that is holding the smaller creatures, is a chubby female with green hair, held in a ponytail. She's wearing a simple light pink long sleeved shirt, with a white t-shirt underneath. Lastly, she wearing a blue knee length skirt and a pair of simple white shoes.

These five creatures are humans, not native to Equestria or beyond. In order, their names are Izuku Midoriya, Tenko Shimura, Eri Midoriya, Kota Izumi Midoriya and Inko Midoriya. They have been brought to Equestria by unknown means, and now...

Their new journey starts!

Some hours pass, and it is now day time. The sun is shining brilliantly across Equestria, but more importantly, it's causing the world's guests to wake up.

Izuku: "Mmh... It's morning already?"

Slowly sitting up, the young hero takes a look around himself, seeing the trees, bushes, a river running beautifully some distance away from him, and...

Izuku: "Shigaraki?!"

His outburst managed to wake up the older male, but unlike Izuku, he didn't pay attention to his surroundings. Only after rubbing the tiredness from his eyes, did he notice they weren't in the destroyed concrete jungle where their final battle took place.

Shigaraki: "Deku...? What is... Where are we?"

He quickly jumped to his feet, taking a fighting stance. Izuku followed soon after getting rid of his confusion for the time being. The reason being that from behind the trees, a small pack of what seemed to be wolves made out of several pieces of wood, emerged. Growling at the duo, the wolves were obviously not friendly.

Izuku: Did someone use a warp quirk to send us to the middle of nowhere, just to finish us off with some sort of wood animal creating quirk?

Shigaraki: "Doesn't matter. Whoever did this is bound to fail."

???: "Uh? AHHH!"

As they heard the scream, they turned around to be met with an awake Inko, cornered by two wood wolves. She was holding an obviously scared Eri and Kota, who had his quirk activated, ready to defend his sister and grandma.

Kota: "Back off!"

He fired a stream of water at a wolf, to no effect. While Izuku was distracted at seeing his family in danger, one of the wolves decided to jump him, only to be met with a 15% One for All charged uppercut to the jaw. As soon as he made contact, wood splinters went everywhere, spilling above the remaining pack. Has soon as he dealt with that one wolf, he sprung to where his family was and kicked both wolves, this time with 10%.

Your job is not over yet!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon