Space Invaders Part 1

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The Man Cave

So after a couple of weeks of Bethany being gone she finally becomes a full-time heroine with Ray but she was back in Man Cave getting back to her life with Ray something bad happens to her, one thing every girl and woman fears the Day mother nature visits, Her Period oh boy was Ray in for big emotional roller coaster.

Has Ray headed to her bedroom after talking on the phone with Ava and Cail about what he needs to get at the store just got back into the cave with a basket full of chocolate, strawberry, candles, a heating pad, and Ginger ale to help with stomach aches,

Bethany had walked out of the sprocket and headed down the stairs to see Ray on the couch in the Man cave "You look cute today Bethany." he said in her outfit.

" he said in her outfit

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"Thanks, Ray." she headed to the couch "Here is your basket Ava and Cail help me pick out stuff for you." he handed her had he sat on the couch by her "I wanted you to feel comfortable today, I promise to help you feel better today. He said hugging her "Oh Ray you nice guy friend I could ask for." she said looking through the basket of all the goodies he had brought her.

Has the day went on they were chilling on the couch watching a movie all suddenly a call of Bethany's phone rang "Hi this is the agency of S.H.I.E.L.D, we need you, Lady Danger to go up in space look in to alert on two spaceman trap in the spacecraft find out what is going on up there. We will give you anything you need for you to go out into space have a good day." the call ended and Bethany got up off the couch to walk over to the back room to get suited up.

Has Ray tried to follow her "Umm, Bethany do you want me and Henry with you on this mission?" he asked her waiting near tubes,
"Of course, I want to you guys come along with me," she said grabbing her bag and walking out into the Man Cave with her new super suit on

Has Ray tried to follow her "Umm, Bethany do you want me and Henry with you on this mission?" he asked her waiting near tubes, "Of course, I want to you guys come along with me," she said grabbing her bag and walking out into the Man Cave with her...

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With a black mask over the eyes,
"Wow, there that's your new super suit?" Ray asked her "Yes it is Tony drop it off this morning, it has all kinds of cool and tech in it." She'd said while putting her hair back in a braid.
"Can I call your brother now?" Ray asked, "Yes you can I think he is at home watching some ad that Piper is in on tv." "Awesome!" Ray went off to call Henry for the Mission in Space.

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