The Kitchen ...

Naira sighed and smiled while watching her energetic mother-in-law Nyonika and walked towards her .

After reaching she back hugged Nyonika which startled her and haulted all her actions, making all the staff to breathe for a moment and thank Naira in their minds .

"Good morning ma!" Naira wished and kissed Nyonika's cheek lovingly making Nyonika relax and wish back with the same love and warmth in her voice, " Good morning beta!"

The staff too smiled watching the cute interaction between the two ,who loved, cared for and respected each other just like the beautiful bond between a mother and her daughter.

And prayed to the gods above in their minds to bless them and everyone else in the family so that they stay together like this in happiness and peace for forever and no harm comes to this lovely beautiful family.

Nyonika looked towards Naira after coming out of the hug and asked while again continuing with her cooking,

"Karthik woke up?"

"Yes MA! He is getting fresh-n up right now, Anu and Vansh is still sleeping. "

"What Anu is still sleeping?! Oh God what to do with this girl... it's all her father and brother's fault. They have spoilt and pampered her too much ... because of that nowadays she hardly listens to anything I say." ranted Nyonika with a displeased frown on her beautiful face.

"Relax Ma! It's nothing like that. Exams are over... college is closed that's why she is still sleeping in till now... or else she would have woken up. Let her sleep a little more, I'll wake both her and Vansh up before breakfast when I'll go to give papa his tea and Karthik coffee."

"OK!" Nyonika nodded her head and sighed, while Naira giggled cutely seeing her mother-in-law's antics... typical Indian mother.

After this both Nyonika and Naira and also all the staff got busy in their respective work .

And like this the kitchen got filled with the sounds of cooking, chattering, gossips , sweet laughters whereas the entire mansion got wrapped in the delicious smell of the mouth watering food being cooked...

Like this started the Sunday morning in the Malhotra Mansion without any of them knowing or having any clue,idea of how the lives fates of two people and two families are going to get change for forever ,starting from TODAY onwards.


On the other side, in one corner of a very small room which was previously a storage room in the servants quater now converted into a livingspace,  decorated with bare minimum things necessary to survive.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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