However Bad It May Seem, It Shall Indeed Be The Best

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We arrived back at camp around three in the morning. Sally had called Chiron ahead of time to tell him we would be coming, so he was waiting for us at the Big House when we arrived. He was concerned about my injuries at first, but I waved him off. Andromeda had done what she could, what I needed now was nothing more than some rest.

We sat down at the table, Percy and Andromeda half asleep. I was somewhat alert because of the nap I'd taken, so I told most of the story. When I told Chiron about Johnathan and asked if he'd ever had him at camp, he paused.

"I... I do not recall him. He must have trained elsewhere."

"How could he have learned all he did on his own? That's impossible!"

Chiron looked like he was thinking about saying something, but he shook his head. "He must have. Now, what happened at the museum?"

I sighed. I could tell Chiron was hiding something, but I knew better than to push him. He wasn't going to reveal anything more, at least not now.

Chiron grimaced when I told him about the blood magic.

"I... I have seen that before. It is a horrific thing, blood magic. I am sure your mother has said the same thing to you, (Y/N), but you must never use it. It is never worth the price, no matter the situation."

I nodded. "Not like I'd particularly want to anyways. The idea makes my skin crawl."

He smiled. "Good. Now let us be finished. I believe you and your friends would do well with some rest. We shall talk more in the morning. Just know this, all three of you. I am so incredibly proud of what you have done. You have prevented a great evil from being unleashed, and bought all of us time. The gods themselves shall hear of this, I assure you."

We smiled weakly. It was good to hear that from Chiron, but we didn't really have the energy to celebrate right then. That could wait for the morning.

Chiron stood up and lead us out. Percy had decided to stay overnight since he didn't much feel like sleeping in the car on the ride back, and his mom had already decided to stay in a nearby motel overnight anyways. As we approached the cabins, I saw a familiar figure sitting by the fire. My mother.

Andromeda saw her as well. "Do you want me and Percy to..."

"No. You two were as much a part of this as I was. She won't mind, and you two deserve her recognition as well."

Percy smiled weakly. "Fine, but I'm going to sleep right after. No party on the beach or anything."

I laughed. "Wasn't planning on that anyways. Come on."

We approached her and she turned to face us. She was smiling, but I could tell she was conflicted. I didn't blame her, considering what happened with her other son.

"My darling (Y/N)! Andromeda as well! And... Percy, was it?"

Percy nodded.

"Welcome back you three. I am so proud of you, (Y/N). You have done a great deed tonight. And you two. Thank you for helping him. Especially you, Andromeda, you did much more than simply fight by his side." She gave her a knowing wink.

She turned to Percy. "I would be remiss not to thank you as well. I will not pretend to rejoice at your father breaking his oath, however... if it gave us a hero such as yourself, perhaps I will be able to forgive him. Regardless, the fault for his actions does not fall upon you. You have done a great service for me, and I swear to you that I will watch over you from here on. If ever you have need of it, you shall have my support."

Percy seemed astonished. I suppose he didn't expect my mother to be so kind to him, but I wasn't all that surprised. My mom was different from most gods. Less susceptible to holding unfair grudges. Less likely to blame someone for something they had no control over. I liked that about her. She seemed somehow... more human, I guess.

Life of A Young Demigod: Of Blood and Magic (Percy Jackson reader insert)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora