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The trip into the city was fairly quiet. I'm pretty sure there was a cyclops trailing our car for a good minute or two somewhere in Queens, but besides that, we didn't run into any trouble.

I could tell something was bothering Andromeda, though. She wasn't talking much and had been squeezing my hand rather tightly the entire ride. I tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.

"Hey, 'Meda, you ok? You're all quiet and you've just been staring out the window the whole time. What's bothering you?"

She turned to me and I saw her lip quivering slightly. She took a deep breath.

"It's the prophecy, (Y/N). I really don't like it."

I sighed. "I'm not the biggest fan of it either 'Meda. What about it is bothering you this much though?"

"The last line. Blood on the ground, mother's grief. It almost sounds like..."

She couldn't finish her sentence, but I knew what she was saying.

"You're worried it means I'm going to die."

She wrapped me in a tight hug, crying softly.

"'Meda, it's ok. I'm going to be ok. I'm not gonna go dying on you just yet. The guy we are going after is a son of Hecate too, so at worst it's a 50/50 chance. Those prophecies are tricky too, double meanings everywhere. You remember what the prophecy over the summer said about Percy's mom? That we'd fail to save her? She was fine in the end. Don't let it get to you too much."

I sounded unconcerned, but quite frankly I was just as scared as she was. The prophecy from the summer hadn't been quite this explicit with things, I suppose this one didn't technically say someone would die, but it sure as hell implied it.

Andromeda pulled away and started laughing a bit. "You know I can tell you aren't confident about that, right?"

I smiled at her. "Yeah. But worrying about it won't help us. Like it or not, we need to do this. Best thing we can do is be careful and watch each other's backs."

Andromeda sighed and turned back to her window, squeezing my hand again as she did so. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

I could tell she wasn't entirely calm, but I knew her enough by now to know that I did what I had to to help. She just needed some time to talk it through in her own head.

By noon, we made it to the Queensboro Bridge, and after crossing it, Argus let us out. He waved goodbye, and drove off back towards camp.

Andromeda turned to me. "So. Where to now?"

"Down near the Central Park Zoo. I don't know where the exact point we need to get to is, but Chiron said it was around there. Hopefully I'll be able to sense whatever it is we're looking for."

As we walked towards the zoo, I got a hot dog from one of the stands. I hadn't actually gotten to eat that morning, so I was starving. When we approached the entrance to Central Park, I spotted a familiar face in the crowd.

"'Meda, is that Percy over there?"

She looked where I was pointing and grinned. "Yep."

He had turned away from us, so we managed to sneak up to him. As I approached behind him, I reached for his back and used magic to generate a small electric shock, sort of like the kind you get from those prank gum wrapper things, but a bit stronger.

Percy jumped and spun around, reaching for his pen. His eyes went wide when he saw us.

"I swear to all the gods, (Y/N). If you ever do that again..."

Life of A Young Demigod: Of Blood and Magic (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now