We Plan an Art Theft

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I woke up around nine in the morning. Percy and Andromeda were already up, so I guess Andromeda had told him to let me sleep. I walked out to the smell of pancakes. They were, of course, blue. Andromeda smiled as she saw me come out.

"Finally up, huh sleepyhead?"

I gave her a light slap on the shoulder. "Shush it!"

She laughed and slapped me back. "How you feeling?"

I smiled at her. "Fine, more or less. Much better than I was, in more ways than one."

My arm felt almost completely back to normal. Andromeda had applied a new set of bandages before I went to sleep, and they had done wonders overnight. You could barely even see a scar anymore. It was still a bit sore, I assumed the magic was still doing some work on the inside, but I could use it like normal, which was frankly a miracle considering how bad it had been just over twelve hours earlier. I felt better mentally too. I'd thought through what Andromeda had said, and, while I was still a bit worried, it came nowhere near the pure fear I felt after I woke up the night before.

Percy smiled. "Good. We're gonna need you today." As he said this, he pulled out a printout from the Metropolitan Museum's website. "My mom did some research last night. It looks like all the ball stuff is in the Egyptian wing, so he probably won't do any of the actual spell work and whatnot there. However, what is interesting, is this." He pointed to a new exhibit that was on display in the Greco-Roman wing. My jaw fell open.

Unearthed recently from the same site as the 5th century BC stele of a young girl that we have had on display for many years is this life size statue of what may be the same child buried in the grave. It will begin to be displayed publicly on December 23rd.

In her hand was the rod. It was smaller than I thought it would be, to be quite honest, but it was unmistakably what we were looking for. I thought some more.

By sister's grave, you shall find peace

Could... could the child buried under that stele have been a daughter of Hecate? Was she the one the prophecy was talking about? That would make sense. I would sure as hell be a lot more at peace when I got my hands on the rod.

Percy tapped me on the shoulder. "Is that the thing we're looking for, (Y/N)?"

I nodded to him. "Think so, yeah. I'd need to see it in person to confirm though. Can't really sense the magic through a photo of it I'm afraid."

Andromeda turned to me, excited. "So when we go today we can just take it and be done with all this."

I thought for a moment. "We could. But I'm not sure that's the best idea. For one, it would be basically impossible to do so without people noticing. I'd rather not become a fugitive again, that wasn't particularly fun over the summer. Also, if we take it, we'd never get the opportunity to confront Johnathan. If we can stop him from joining Kronos, whatever that may take, it will be worth it."

Percy nodded in agreement. "So what then, we confirm it's what we're looking for today, take it tomorrow night when the area is empty, and then confront Johnathan when he tries to cast the spell?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "That seems like the best idea, yeah."

Sally came out of her room. "You guys need a ride?"

I thought for a moment. I didn't want to put her in danger by having her be around all three of us any longer, but before I could speak, Percy answered. "Yeah, if you don't mind, mom."

She smiled. "Well get ready then. I can drop you off on the way to work. I'll pick you up around 6 if that's fine by you?"

Welp. I wouldn't convince her not to drive us now, I knew that for sure. I nodded. "Sounds fine to me!"

Life of A Young Demigod: Of Blood and Magic (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now