~Smut~ N and Eve's date

Start from the beginning


N's POV:
So she came out here?

"I would always smell the flowers and pick a few to put my flower pot in my room!"

Eve's POV:
When I turned around and seen N standing by the water fountain I had a message pop up on my screen only it was a flashback. It was that Drone!

*Flash back scene here*

"Come on Eve do you really have to always go to this tree?! We have to do our job."

"Yes K! This is my favorite tree! As long as it's here I'm here!! And we're only maids our real job hasn't happened yet!"

"Are you gonna marry the tree?"

"Ewww no! Its not even a drone!"

"Hey Eve look it's the Murder Drones. Hahaha there so short!!"


"The one boy is looking over here! Look at his yellow eyes! He's so weird. I'm leaving!"


"Hello I'm ....."

*End of flash back*


"Huh what?"

"Eve you fell are you okay?!"

"Y-yeah I'm fine. What was that?"

"What was what?"

"I had a flashback."

"Huh? A memory? That's possible?!"

"I-i don't know! But whatever! L-lets go."

"O-oh okay Eve."

N helped my up and we went back inside. What was that Drone? He was gonna say his name but it went all staticky! We made our way into the library.

"Hey Eve check this out!!"

"What are you doing N?"

" Hold on you'll see!"

N started moving things to the side to make room on the floor. He then went over to the radio and started messing around with it. It has speakers and other cool things with it.

"And here we go!"

He turned it to where it was playing romantic music.

"Eve would you like to dance with me?"

I started to blush. How could I say no to him. He took my hand and placed his other at my waist. He and I danced slow and looked into eachothers eyes! He was smiling at me. He was adorable.

N's POV:
While me and Eve were dancing I leaned in for a kiss.



"When could we try what you called "sex"?"

"Uhhhhh... Eve I'd never thought I'd hear you say that!"

"What? It's just a question!"

"Ummm. I don't know when would you want to?"

"Well what's it gonna be like?"

"A lot of pleasure!" I said to her as I bent her down.

"Whoa! Well then maybe when Lily ain't around."

"Good idea beautiful!"

I kissed her and brought her back up. It was a beautiful night. The stars were out it wasn't cold. It was a perfect night! She was blushing like crazy!! I was honestly getting turned on but here wasnt a very "appropriate" place to do it at. But she was curious so if she wanted to try it tonight I would do it here. It's just me and her and no one else. We were up on a mountain. About 2 miles away from the town! No one could hear us. I would like to see her in the moonlight just the two of us alone.
Eve looked back up at me and smiled. She was happy! I was happy that she was happy. As we danced for one more time I kissed her again and we stopped dancing. We stayed like that for a few minutes until we stopped kissing.

Murder drone Oc story! Eve X NWhere stories live. Discover now