2. Genuine

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Sapnap soon enough forgave Dream, and knew that the blond was finally changing. It was also quite strange for him since why did he suddenly fall in love with someone who he hates?

Well, he guess, love can be confusing sometimes.

Dream went around the corner, by himself again. He strolls around looking for entertainment, or George himself. He promised Sapnap not to lay hands on him, or his friend, a.k.a. Jace, well Sapnap doesn't know what that guy did, but he kept it from him.

Dream once again stumbled upon the guy himself. The one and only. Jace turned around seeing the blond "O-oh, hey, Clay" Dream's face twitched "You know that this room was occupied, right?" Dream crosses his arms, getting suspicious as how Jace was acting

"I- uhm, you know, just.. getting my things out"

"We never had any classes here"

Silence filled once again inside the room

"This room was rented for some surprise that KarlNap had for each other, right? Why were you here? Actually, let's get straight to the point here" Dream slowly walks closer "What were you planning again? Are you going to continue to make me get kicked out of this uni?"

"Not everything is about you, Clay" Dream laughs

"I know everything for you is about me, how you wanted my reputation ruined by using George, how you had a deal with that group of pieces of shits, for what? For you to once again rule this clueless and yet dumb school? You are a one obsessed psycho"

Jace laughs "You're the one obsessed here. Why are you trying to protect them? Why don't you just let me do what I wanted to do?"

"We knew to ourselves how fucked up you are"

"Fucked up!? Can you even see how you always behave on one another?"

"I can, and I'm always aware of it" Jace once again, laughs, more maniacally. He looked up at Dream, tears were ready to fall from his eyes "Oh my god, Clay. Look at what you've become, from being a 'hero' to a full time clown!!"

Dream tried to resist his fist from throwing a punch, he promised Sapnap for it. But this was also for whatever he was doing in the room "I'm going to ask once again. What were you doing here" he asks before he loses his patience

"Nothing, why don't we just you know. Let them be here then we'll know" Now it's clear for him that Jace did something again, probably to ruin the surprise. He walks closer, then places his hands on Jace's neck

"Okay, but instead, why don't we just, don't let them in here so they won't be able to see your corpse laying around?" He lifted the smaller male as he tighten his grips around his neck

Jace's nails started to dig on the blond's wrist "C-Clay, s-stop" Dream got a flashback, immediately releasing Jace from his grip, the smaller male, runs away in fear


Dream quickly examine everything around the room, seeing some already broken things that Jace obviously sabotaged. He replaces it for new ones before the surprise was held.

The class ends, the surprise that Karl and Sapnap got for each other successfully went well. Dream didn't have the chance to come since he also planned on telling George his feelings. He stayed in the classroom, as well as George until there are only the two of them inside.

He made his move, he stands up then walks up to George

"Hey George!" He called, getting his attention, George's smile dropped quickly as he saw Dream, eyes furrowed

"What now, Dream"

"I.. want to tell you something.."

Both of them went quiet

"You ruined my life, basically" | DNFWhere stories live. Discover now