1. Damned Smile

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"Hey, colorblind freak" Dream slammed the shorter male to the lockers, he quickly fixes his eye glasses to see the blond clearly "Is having a colorblindness being a freak now?" George calmly said

"Isn't it though?"

"It isn't, having below average grades are" Dream's friends behind him went on a wave of 'Oooohhh' Dream wasn't impressed by the answer George gave, he slaps him across the face, leaving a large red mark that his hand were built and large enough to do so.

He held George's chin, his index and middle finger pressing on the middle of the print making George hissed at the pain "That's a punishment for talking back" he whispers face close to the other, he once again grips more his hand.

George was slowly lifted on the ground, he couldn't yell for help since his jaw was being held close, his hands instead grips on the blond's, nails started to dig. Dream felt it, he let go finally letting the brunette run

George could still hear the laughing behind him but didn't look back, of course 'I shouldn't have cut my nails, I'm lucky I got out of that bastard'

Dream watches as George runs for his life, the group behind him laughs, well they got what they wanted, they told Dream about leaving so they did, they left him alone. He looks at his wrist where the nail prints are, only to see the skin lifting up, it wasn't deep but enough for it to be sensitive, it wasn't bleeding either. But he was impressed, he saw George's nails weren't that long but still managed to scratch him.

He walks towards his class, where he and George should meet up again, he walks beside Sapnap's who are looking disappointed at him "What?" He asks before sitting down.

"I don't know, Clay. You should ask yourself that"

"What will happen to me if I don't know what you were talking about about? I can't read minds, dumbass" Sapnap, took a deep breath "Figure it out yourself, I'll even let you have your alone time for it" Sapnap stood up, grabbing his things. Dream watches as Sapnap walks towards Karl's seat. He took one glance at him before putting his attention on the board.

✿ ~ ✿

The bell rings signaling for lunch, Sapnap doesn't seem like going to eat with Dream, and Dream notices that, well, guess he'll hang out with his other friends. He intentionally catches up with George, bumping into him, letting him fall on the ground, face first, he just looked down at the now struggling to stand up guy. George lifted his face, only to see a little puddle of blood where he landed his nose, he quickly wipes his nose with his finger seeing a large amount of blood running out from his nose

Someone ran up to him, helping him stand up "Are you okay??" He could see how worried the guy was, he shook his head honestly. Dream watches as they walk past him.

"That was cool!" One of his friends said

"We get to see Davidson with bloody nose!!" another one said, mocking his british accent, they elbowed Dream playfully "Big nice to you. You really deserved being the group's favorite

☆ ~ ☆

George was now sitting on the clinic's bed, the nurse gave him tissues and water to help with his bleeding nose "Your nose has always been broken, why didn't you get some help for it?" George grabs yet another tissue on the box

"I didn't know about it.." he lied, he looked at the guy who helped him "..Thank you, erm..?"

"Jace, Jace Anderson" he said giving him a smile with little waves "Thank you, Jace" he said exchanging the smile

The nurse gave him something for his nose and let them go since it's not that severe, he could go on with his class, though he hasn't eaten anything. Jace luckily had a sandwich for him to eat while walking back to their class. They were late but the teacher knew about what had happened. Dream, however got away with it, the witnesses got threatened by his group of friends, telling them to shut their mouth or they will hunt whoever snitches.

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