Part 2

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Gulf calmed down after a few minutes, and P'Best took his hand, holding it firmly. Gulf closed his eyes, attempting to escape the overwhelming sadness, but his efforts proved futile.

"Gulf," P'Best softly called his name, prompting Gulf to open his red, teary eyes and gaze directly at him.

"What should I do, P'Best?" Gulf pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. He felt utterly lost, unsure of how to navigate the painful situation he found himself in.

"It hurts," Gulf added, his eyes welling up with tears once again. The emotional weight was almost unbearable for him, and he couldn't hold back his anguish.

"I think you should take some time off for now. Go somewhere that will help heal your broken heart," P'Best suggested, causing Gulf to be taken aback by his answer. Gulf looked at P'Best, searching for some sense of understanding.

"But my work..." Gulf started to protest, worried about the impact his absence might have.

"I'll take care of it. Your well-being is more important," P'Best reassured him, offering a gentle smile.

"Okay, P..." Gulf nodded, feeling too exhausted to argue any further. He trusted P'Best's judgment, even though uncertainty lingered in his heart.

P'Best accompanied Gulf back to his home after he calmed down. Gulf's mother greeted him with open arms, embracing her son tightly.

"Gulf, you've arrived at the perfect time. I just finished cooking dinner. Come, honey," Gulf's mom said, her voice filled with warmth as she led him to the dinner table.

During dinner, Gulf informed his parents that he and his friends planned to go on holiday for a week and sought their permission to leave the following evening. Though his parents expressed concern, they ultimately granted Gulf their approval.

The next day, P'Best accompanied Gulf to the airport and bid him farewell.

"Go and relax, Gulf. I'm sure that when you come back, everything will be okay," P'Best said, embracing Gulf tightly. Gulf nodded, uncertain about the future but clinging to the hope that things would eventually improve.

Gulf decided to travel to Japan. He had always loved the country, and with winter in full swing, he felt it would be the perfect place to heal his broken heart. As he lay on the bed in his hotel room, Gulf gazed at the ceiling, attempting to find solace. However, memories of his time with Mew flooded his mind.

Recollections of their initial meeting, their first eye contact, the rapid beating of his heart whenever Mew was near, their first physical touch, Mew's warm embrace, his captivating smile, his intense gaze, and the unmistakable signs of jealousy whenever others got too close to Gulf—all of it overwhelmed him. Gulf couldn't control the tears that streamed down his cheeks. He loved Mew so deeply that it hurt, yet Mew seemed so far away.

"P'Mew... It hurts... Why does it hurt so much, P? How are you over there? Are you happy? I'm not, P... Do you ever think about me? I think about you constantly, from morning till night... I thought we felt the same, but it turns out it was just my delusional world," Gulf lamented, his voice filled with heartache.

Covering himself with the blanket, Gulf continued to cry, his tears flowing unabated. As if empathizing with his pain, the snow fell outside, attempting to bring him some comfort, but Gulf was too immersed in his sorrow to notice.

Morning arrived, yet Gulf remained wide awake. He hadn't slept for two days. His body ached from exhaustion, his eyes heavy and bloodshot, his stomach growling with hunger, his body shivering in the cold, and his heart burdened with immense pain. It was the first time Gulf had ever experienced such anguish. They said that everything was new when you fell in love, and Gulf now understood the truth behind those words.

In the past, Gulf would have convinced himself that he needed to take care of himself so he could meet Mew in his best state. However, Mew was no longer a part of his life. It was just Gulf now, grappling with the weight of his unrequited love. Feeling utterly exhausted, Gulf's eyes finally gave in, closing shut, allowing him to drift into a deep sleep that lasted for twelve hours.

When Gulf woke up, he forced himself to take a shower, attempting to wash away the heaviness that clung to him. He ordered room service for dinner, not having the energy or appetite to venture out. After eating, he decided to go for a walk around the area, hoping to find some solace. Gulf dressed casually, wearing a mask and hat to disguise his identity. As it was nighttime, he chose a dark-colored outfit to further conceal himself. He intentionally selected a remote location near the beach, hoping to encounter fewer people.

Gulf strolled along the shoreline, gazing out at the vast expanse of the ocean. He marveled at its calmness, longing for his heart to find such tranquility. Lost in his thoughts, he spent a considerable amount of time by the beach before eventually returning to his hotel room.

Days turned into nights, and Gulf's stay in Japan extended to four days. His activities mainly involved crying from morning till afternoon, succumbing to exhaustion, and falling into deep slumber until nightfall. During this time, he didn't touch his phone, cutting off contact with the outside world. He also informed his parents beforehand that he might be unreachable for a week.

On the fifth day of his trip, the hotel phone rang, interrupting the silence of his room. Gulf hesitated before answering, assuming it was a call from the hotel staff.

"Hello?" Gulf's voice cracked, still bearing the traces of tears.

"Gulf, it's P'Best. We have a problem,"


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