Chapter Eleven - The After Math Of the War

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I moved to the island, my crew with me. "Calm down boys." That instantly gained there attention, I chuckled as they ran up to me. My right hand rose. Stopping them. "No Hugs." They pouted at that, I looked at Ace. "You now a part of my crew. Whitebeard's crew has joined me. Marco is also a part of the main crew. Now you are as well." He looked at me. Shocked.
"Yes ma'am." I looked at Sabo.
"I'll take you back to Dragon." He nodded, I looked at Luffy. At that same moment Rayleigh arrived and the Heart Pirates left. I looked at Rayleigh, who smiled and waved at me. I just stared at him. Then he looked to Luffy.
"Do you really think your ready for the New World."
"I was just going to ask the same thing. Luffy you are strong. But if your going to survive in the new world. You and your crew need to train." I state.
"I'm willing to train you." I looked at Rayleigh. Then I look at Luffy. He stops and thinks, before nodding.
"How long." Luffy asks.
"Two years." Rayleigh replies.
"How you gunna tell his crew." Rayleigh looks at me. Smirking.
"Can you give us a ride to Marineford." I sighed instantly, but I agreed reluctantly.

I stood up, staring out as I watched Luffy jump off my ship. We had just sailed around marineford a few time. Before stopping, most of my crew stayed on the ship. Wile me, Jimbei, Sabo, Ace, Luffy, and Rayleigh moved to watch Luffy's back as he did what he needed to. My bandages where gone. Replaced with white fire again trying to heal my wounds, my broken bone was now healed, but the cuts, burns, and blisters were not healed yet. My hand shot up and full blown bullets made of fire countered actual bullets. My wings were not seen, hidden within my skin. But my fire had gained the attention of ever marine. They yelped and jumped back, staring right at me. "Phoenix. The Moon Goddess Chandra." Now I was confused, I glanced at Rayleigh who just shrugged.
"Must be the new title they gave you. Your first one was The Crimson and Azure Phoenix right." I nod.
"Then your next one was the Crimson and Azure Mockingjay." I look at Jimbei and nodded.
"How did they not put two and two together with those nicknames?" Sabo asked, I shrugged. The marines had backed off so we were kinda just here... standing here, Ace bursted out laughing.
"They must be really scared if you they're calling you a goddess." Rayleigh looked like he was going to say something. My observation haki kicked in and before Rayleigh could say what he planned to I cut in.
"If you say what your about to say I'll wrap you in chains then throw you into the calm belt." His jaw snapped shut.
"Yes ma'am." Ace bounced up to him.
"What where you gonna say."
"No thanks," she shook his head. "I chose life." Was Rayleigh's reply, I just smirked. Seconds later Luffy finished what he was doing, I moved to my ship. Followed shortly by the rest.

I looked at the three, they had barged into my office because they wanted to ask me something. So, I placed my quill down. Laced my fingers, rested my elbows on my desk, then rested my lower face on my hands. "Yes." Sabo spoke, avoiding all eye contact. So where the other two. Well, correction, Luffy was smiling from ear to ear. Bouncing in place.
"Phoenix. You've always been more of a mother then a sister to us." My mind flashed to Ace's statement moments before I set up the wall of fire. My heart tugged at the memory.
"We where wondering..." Ace was really really nervous, I raised a brow. Then, Luffy bursted out.
"Can we call you mom!" That caught me by surprise.
"Luffy!" Ace and Sabo whacked him, Luffy was now on the ground holding his head. My heart was pounding as I leaned back. Looking out the window, looking unfazed. But in reality, I was exited.
"Call me what ever you want. I don't mind or really care." That got them cheering. I smirked. "Now go away. I have to finish this chapter of the log book." They left my office and I smirked, laughing while I shook my head. "That was intreating." Then I continue to work on the log book.

I left my office to watch Luffy leave for his two years of training. He looked at me, then he beamed, before waving. "Bye bye mom!" I just rolled my eyes, and waved good bye. Before also saying good bye to Rayleigh. Before again sailing away to drops Sabo off with the Revolutionary Army.
"I'm really not going to like this." I stated, grunting.

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