Chapter Four - Sailing the Grand Line

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It took a lot of sailing nd a lot of bad weather until we reached the Very island we where looking for. Yuki and I stayed hidden as Nico went to get some more supplies. I leaned against a tree. My eyes zeroed in on the color changing flames in front of me. Taking the form of what ever I imagined. From flowers. To sunsets and sunrises. The night sky. The day sky. To mini models of people I loved. After a bit I fell asleep. The calming flakes instantly disappearing as I faded into sweet and bitter memories of the past. Or so I thought. Because that's what usually happens when I fall asleep.

I ran through the deck. Giggling as the rest of the crew laughed and jumped out of the way. A smile plain on my face. But then. The area changed. I was staring at my fathers injured form. But the injury was the injury that killed him. But we where not on the island where he froze me in time. I looked around. We were on a small abandoned island. The sun was setting. It was dusk. Papa scooped me up. Holding me in his arms the tears flowed from my eyes as I leaned my forehead against his. He held me. Closing his eyes as well. He wore his purple and pink suit. His golden scarf. It was not the outfit he died in. This was not a memory. I had no idea what was happening. Only that we stood there. Rested like this for a long long while. Then everything began to fade. Papa cussed. "Phoenix. I'll see you again. I love you. My crimson and Azure Mockingbird..."

My eyes shot open the exact same moment Nico arrived. We was running like there was no tomorrow. We'd only been here a week. I looked at the log and smirked when I noticed it was set for the next island. So I stood up. Pulled up the cloak over my hood. Shading my figure. I walked forward as Nico ran past me yelling. "Thanks captain." My hand shot forward and released a burst of hakki. Sending the marines chasing my crew mate backwards. Followed by nocking them all out. I turned on my heel and jumped into the ship.
"Time to set sail?" Yuki asks. I look at my log. Then I point north.
"That way." Yuki moves straight for the wheel.
"Yes captain." I looked back to the now burning village. Will this change my bounty number? Nah. They don't want to bring to much attention to me. My eyes flash over to the hung up bounty. I growled. I've told Yuki and Nico not to hang up my bounty. Do they listen. No. They don't. So. I rip it off the mast. Before throwing it over the edge of the ship.

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