Chapter Six - Marines and Setting Sail Again

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I rested at the kitchen table. Smoking as I watched, Luffy eat I looked at Yuki as she looked over our list. My eyes flashed every now and again to the wall. I could here the citizens speaking and yelling on the other side of the wall. My hand reached down and I began to pet Dusk. Rubbing his ears, He purred in return. Sanji was cooking, just then a few more people arrived. I wore the same outfit. Leaning back while I smoked, I looked at Nami. Then Franky and his crew appeared. I raised a brow, before shaking my head and allowing my mind to flash to the conversation I had with Iceberg. Twilight, my beautiful ship was damaged beyond repair. So, Iceberg offered to make me and my crew a new ship. I agreed, reluctantly. With the request that they use the exact same wood on the ship. The same wood papa's ship was made of. My eyes shot opened and I moved, drawing Mira, I held the blade to Garp's neck. My eyes glowing. "Been a hot minute. Huh. Garp."
"Last I saw you you where five years old and presumed dead. Rocks. D. Pheonix."
"Last I saw you. You and Roger where in the middle of killing my papa."
"Mind moving your sword."
"If I do who's to say you won't attack me or anyone else in this bloody room."
"I ain't here to kill or capture any of you."
"Why should I believe you. You may be Luffy's grandpa, but you and I have no connections. Other then my father."
"Why would you say that? You took Ace, Sabo, and Luffy in as your brothers. So by default your my granddaughter." I scoffed.
"When pigs fly."
"That's happened." I glared.
"Fine." I stepped back, but stormed passed him.
"Sorry Luffy, but I got shit to do and places to be... and quite honestly I don't trust my self to not gut him." I could hear Garp laugh.
"You truly are your fathers daughter!" I turned to him, my face blank.
"What did you think... what did you feel when you realized that you just killed a father. A good father, one who was just trying to make a world where his daughter could be safe in." I stared at the man. He was now avoiding eye contact. "Well. Garp the hero. You got that name by killing my father!"
"I felt bad, and now. As time goes on. I can see his points. See his view, I hate myself for it, but as time goes on I realize more and more each day that your father was wright." I turned, angry, dammit.
"Good bye Garp. Like I said. I have business to attend to." I whistled and my crew moved. Following after me.

I sat across from Iceburg. "That ship. Twilight. She's old. Really old." I closed my eyes.
"She was my mother's before she was mine. Papa kept her hidden until I wanted or needed to use it."
"Well. As per request we used the same wood from the ship. It's the same wood as Gol. D. Roger's ship. And I had some extra pieces of that wood here." I nodded.
"How long til it's ready."
"It'll be ready around the same time your log sets." I nod.
"Good. Thanks again."
"No need. You helped save us all." I looked up, and closed my eyes. Pulling the cigarette from my mouth, I sighed.
"I am not going to be able to hide who I am for much longer. I bet by the time I get another bounty. After I get this one. I'll have a bounty with my real name." I blew out smoke. Then I stood up. "I gotta help collect supplies for the ship. Thanks again ice man."

I was now standing behind Garp. Having just returned from my business. I glared, walking past him. Carrying a bag as I did so, I stopped. Now being faced to face with two short boys. I was a six nine female. Still growing, and currently looking at two young men. Around the same age as Luffy. Both stiffened, I side stepped and Luffy collided with grass. I looked down at him. Then at the two young men. Then one spoke up. "How old are you?" That was not a good idea, I glared.
"Why." I hissed out to the blond. Seeming to realize how rude his question was he spluttered.
"Well. Umm rumor had it you forty three. But you don't look that old. Then another rumor say your thirty two but you also don't look that old. I'm Uhh, I'm." He looked down. "Please don't kill me." I whipped around, again side stepping Luffy. "Why hell does everyone I come across think I'll kill them for no good fucking reason."
"Cause you've burned islands down."
"They threatened my crew." Before he could speak I turned and walked away. Ignoring everyone.

The Crimson and Azure Phoenix Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora