Rimmer strode ahead as if it were his own home and Raon followed behind.

The heat grew stronger the closer they got to the kiln. His clothes started to become drenched in sweat.


The ice in his mana circuit was trembling because of the unfamiliar heat. Raon frowned at the worsening pain and entered the house.

There was only one appliance inside the house.

A furnace. It was the furnace from the kiln, which was emitting enough heat to make the whole house look distorted.

A wrinkled old man with completely white hair was sitting in front of the furnace. Despite being completely drenched in sweat, he wasn't taking his eyes off it.

'Is this really the flame that I used to know?'

Raon swallowed. He'd seen many flames throughout his previous life, from the bonfire he'd made himself to the advanced fire magic used by a mage.

However, none of those seemed to match up to the heat created by the flame soaring in the furnace.


The ice in his mana circuit started to scream, and the mana around him started to move-following the flow of the 'Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation', which he hadn't even acquired yet.

The sound of a soaring flame reverberated through his ears, and the waves of heat made his heartbeat fiercer. He couldn't take his eyes off the furnace, as if he were bewitched by it.

"Old man, you're always so focused."

Rimmer dusted off his hand after soothing the heat with his green wind.

"The heat is dying down because of you!"

"It looks like another failure anyway."


After glaring at Rimmer, the old man sighed and threw an unknown gray mass inside the furnace.


The intense heat, hot enough to melt the ground, was subdued. The flame grew weaker, to the point that it merely felt warm.


Raon unconsciously sighed. As soon as the flame disappeared, the flow of the 'Ten Thousand Flame Cultivation' running through his mana circuit dissipated. The regret made his fingers tremble.

"What did you bring today? What is that thing?"

The old man frowned, looking at Raon. The lowered corners of his lips and raised eyebrows showed his stubborn personality.

"Wow! 'That thing'? How dare you address the head of house's grandson like that!"

Rimmer was preaching about manners, despite always talking however he felt.

"Hmph. I'm just a retired old man. Unless the head of house comes personally... Hmm?"

He started to stand up, then stopped after seeing Raon's eyes and hair.

"Blond and red eyes? And that face..."

"He looks like the head of house, right? Raon looks a lot more handsome, though."


The old man nodded in agreement.

"I'm Vulcan. You should leave if you are expecting manners from me."


Raon controlled his expression, looking at the old man's blurred eyes-it was as if he was looking at burned out coal.

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman - [Author: Writing Ant]Where stories live. Discover now