Magic melody [John Silver x fem!siren reader]

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(Requested by AngelRosemore thank you for your request ^^ like always, please text me if you're not okay with the oneshot and I'll rewrite it)

E/c = eye color
F/c = favorite color

Silver didn't think anything bad could happen. He knew about a storm coming, but he didn't expect to fly right through it. Some of his boys were injured by a few tiny rock that hit them while they ran for cover under deck and the ship was in a bad shape as well. They had to do an emergency landing on a planet in the Lagoon Nebula, a planet with a river system, a few lakes and a waterfall, surrounded by forest. The pirates sat in the grass and helped those who got hurt. "We need wood. Scroop, Hands. Yer cutting down trees and try ta fix the ship. Mary, Longbourne. Fix the solar sail as good as you can. We have ta get ta the market.", ordered the cyborg frustrated. He blamed himself for getting his crew into this mess and now they were hurt. He sighed and walked into the bushes. "Where are ya goin' captain?", shouted Onus after him. "Need ta get me head free. I'll be back soon.", answered Silver and disappeared into the forest. He walked for a while, mumbling to himself when he heard the splashing of water from the nearby lake. He walked there and sat down, watching the tiny waves on the surface. The pirate captain closed his eyes and concentrated on the sounds of nature until he heard a disturbance in the water. He opened his eyes and looked over the lake, spotting a few stronger waves in the middle. He shook his concern off, telling himself that he was probably just too tired and stood up to walk back to his crew. They sat around the fire eating the fish Hedley and Torrance caught in the river nearby. "We probably have to stay longer than we thought. The trees are tough to cut down without proper tools.", said Scroop and Hands nodded. "Alright...can't change that now but I want everyone who isn't badly injured to help with that so we can leave as soon as possible.", answered Silver. They went to sleep after their meal and after making sure that at least one person was on night watch, Silver was first. The cyborg listend to his surroundings with Morph resting in his hat next to him. He was about to doze off when he heard a voice, singing a beautiful song in the star lightened night. The pirate stood up and listened to the almost hypnotizing voice that came from the lake he was at, that afternoon. He looked at his sleeping crew before sneaking off to the mysterious singer. He walked through the bushes and reached the lake but he couldn't see anyone there. In fact, he didn't even hear the voice anymore. Silver looked around in confusion and walked to one of the bigger rocks, kneeling down and looking into the water. But instead of his reflection he saw two glowing (e/c) eyes staring back at him through the water. Silver let out a surprised yelp and stumbled back. He watched two hands grabbing on the rock and pulling their owner up on it. "What in the name of god...", whispered the pirate captain and stared at the sight. Right there in front of him was a siren, a beautiful girl, head in her hands and amusement in her eyes. "Hey.", you said and smiled. "H-hello?", stuttered Silver and sat up properly. You giggled when you saw the confusion and shock in his face. "Don't worry. I don't bite...unless you give me no choice." "What are you?", asked Silver nervous. "What? You are a pirate. Don't tell me you never heard of sirens before.", you gasped dramatically and looked at him with played offense. "Yes...No. I have heard of 'em. Didn't expect ta ever see one though." Silver muttered the last part but you heard him loud and clear. "Good.", you nodded and pulled yourself up completely to sit on the edge of the rock. The tip of you (f/c) tail was still in the water and your scales shimmered in the moonlight. "Were ya the one singing moments ago?", asked the cyborg more confident. "Yes! Did you like it?", you asked and smiled when he nodded. "It was nice. Your voice is beautiful.", complimented Silver. "Why thank you, sweetheart.", you said and giggled when you saw him blush. "No problem...what's your name?", he asked. "(Y/n). Yours?" "John Silver. Nice to meet ya, lass.", said Silver, visibly calmer than before. "Say Captain Silver. What are you and your crew doing here?", you asked and leaned forward. "We had ta land here. Flew through a meteor storm, and a few of me crewmates got hurt. The ship isn't in good shape either.", explained Silver frustrated. "I see... alright. Then I'll allow you to stay until you repaired your ship. But once you're done, you have to leave. And you have to promise that you won't tell anyone that my kind lives here.", you said with a serious face. "Of course lass. I won't tell a soul.", nodded Silver. "Great. I want something in return, though, Johnny boy~.", you grinned. Silvers face turned red, and he looked away to hide it from you. "What?" You smirked and gestured him to come closer, which he immediately did. You waited until he was in your reach before panting a kiss on his cheek. "Visit me every night and bring something with you. Preferably something shiny. I really enjoy your company.", you smiled. "And in exchange, I'll sing a song or two just for you. Sounds good?" Silver nodded, still dazed by the kiss he just received.  You took his hand and gave it a kiss as well before disappearing into the lake again. The cyborg sat there for a few seconds longer before he stood up and walked back to the camp. He suddenly wasn't in a rush to get off of the planet anytime soon.

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