Training [Crew & Young!Sam]

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(As explanation so I won't confuse anyone, those three scenarios play on the same day. Sam has a schedule.)

"It's too heavy!", grunted Sam as he tried to hold up the rifle to shoot the target Torrance and Hands made for the younger's lesson. They were currently on an abandoned planet where nobody would find them so they can train the youngest pirate without worrying about him destroying something or to be found by the authorities. "C'mon kiddo. Don't give up yet. I thought you said you are stronger than any of us", laughed Hedley as he quoted Sammy's attempt to earn his respect during dinner the day before. "I take it back...", huffed the 7 year old and put the weapon down, sitting next to it and holding his knees on his chest. "Aye. How's training goin'?", asked Silver and joined the group of three. "Look fer yerself captain.", said Torrance and pointed over to the pouting child. "Are ya sure he can do that? He can't even hold a rifle properly, let alone a gun. How is he supposed to shoot when he's too weak for that?", asked Hedley who joined them. "Yeah. We're training him for almost two years now and he still can't hit the target.", nodded Torrance. "Have some patience boys. He's still young and I don't think he had proper training in that horrible place he came from. You know that he didn't do well during combat training in the beginning too and now I only hear good stuff from Scroop. Not perfect but he's slowly building up muscles. Don't forget that he's still a child.", answered the cyborg. "Besides, Mary and Onus told me that he's skilled with the knife, so I'm sure he'll get a hang on this too.", finished Silver and walked up to Sammy. "Hey pup. What's wrong?", questioned the pirate captain and kneeled down next to his youngest crew member. "I will never be able to shoot...", sniffled Sam. "Now pup. Don't be like that. I'm sure ya will be better than any of us someday.", smiled the older and ruffled the kid's hair. "Really?", asked the youngest and wiped his tears away. "Yes pup, really.", assured Silver, picked the rifle up, giving it to the younger and helped him holding it steady. "Now try again."

"Yeah! That was awesome lil boy.", cheered Grewnge when the youngest hit a meteor with a cannonball. Sam puffed his chest out with pride after the first successful shot he ever landed with the complex cannon. "That was a good one. The cap will be so proud of ya.", laughed the alien and helped the little boy out of the seat and sat him on his shoulder. "You think so?", asked Sammy and giggled when Grewnge slightly poked him in the stomach. "Of course he will. I'm proud of ya too by the way.", said the older. Sam was alway happy when he heard positiv things that were about his training process. Silver actually didn't want him to fire the cannons yet but Grewnge wasn't listening, like always, and the little boy could care less. The heavy machinery was almost as exciting as the longboats under deck. "Grewnge! What have I told ya about letting the pup behind ta cannon!?", yelled the cyborg and stomped up to his crew member. "C'mon captain. No harm done.", said the other man relaxed and put Sammy down. "Besides, the kid did great on it. He hit the meteor without problems." Silver looked down to the nodding child. "It was awesome! Can I train with him more often?", asked Sam excited. "Nah pup. Even if ya did good, it's enough fer now.", said the captain and patted the youngest's head. "But-" "No but's Sam!", said the cyborg sternly. "Alright...", muttered the youngest sad and dropped his ears. "Don't be sad pup. You can fire them when you're old enough.", assured Silver the 7 year old and walked away to start cooking lunch. Sam played with the end of his shirt, being sad of the fact that he wasn't allowed on the cannon anymore. "We can keep going when he's not on ta ship.", stated Grewnge and picked the child up. "But you have ta be quiet about it. It's our secret.", winked the alien and Sam smiled. "Okay."

Mary and Onus sat on a stump, cheering while Sammy shredded target with his knife. "Yes kid. Show him who's the boss!", laughed Mary excited. "Aim for the legs! Then the sides and finish it with the neck.", ordered the lookout guy excited. Sam was so exhausted that he would have just laid down on the grass to nap but he had to keep going. The youngest didn't want to be a disappointment and in his childish mind, showing weakness was disappointing them. He still hadn't the stamina to train for such a long time. Sam was panting when he finally got the order to finish it, ripping the neck of the puppet open. "Great job Sammy.", praised Onus proud. The 7 year old let go of the knife and sunk on his knees, holding his chest and trying to catch his breath. "Hey kid. What's wrong?", asked the woman. "Pup?", asked Silver who joined them. When he saw the hyperventilating kid on the ground, he rushed to him and tried to help. "Get him water! I will stay here.", ordered the cyborg and the two trainers ran to the longboat with the rations. "Hey pup. It's okay...try to calm down.", said the pirate and breathed in and out for Sam to copy. The youngest did what Silver showed him and finally his breathing normalized again. "There you go.", nodded the captain relieved. Onus and Mary came back with a bottle of water and gave it to Sammy. "Why didn't you say that it was too much?", asked the lookout guy after his student drank something. "I didn't want to disappoint you...", he mumbled ashamed. The three pirates looked at each other and then back to the child. "You're not disappointing us. When you need a break, you have to tell us.", said Mary. "Aye pup. Same goes for when you're feeling sick. Nobody has to do something if their not feeling well.", assured Silver and ordered a week off of training for his youngest crew member.

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