Not My Type - 06 ( Malfunctioning 😩 )

Start from the beginning

He took a deep breath he knew he need to confirmed that it wasn't just a hallucination that his mind tricked. So he started to examined his own body carefully but his findings and whole body was trembling even his eyes. He could see his lower neck and whole upper body is covering with bruises and no need to tell about his lower half it looks worse.

"...Jesus christ did that motherfucker drank my blood or something...."

His hand slowly found the way to his aching entrance.

"...It all make sense now. That is why he volunteer himself in my benifits. God my poor virgin ass. That motherfucker fucked me with his dick or with something else ????. Fuck it feel so horrible...."

Jade scolded at nobody inside of his head. And suddenly he remembered about his stained pants.

"...Fuck. Was it blood ???? Did I bleed that much???? omg...."

Jade found himself panicking at the thought.

"...God Jade fucking Harrison get a grip. You are a grown ass guy for god sakes and act like a one. Don't panick like a fucking teenager...."

He scolded at himself and went to check for his dirty pants but it was nowhere to be found. He felt odd.

"May be Jae-Sung put it in laundry may be. yeah."

That was what he thought because he didn't has the energy to think clear.

He pray for the god to not to give him more clear memories of that event because he honestly didn't know how to handle it. Even the blurry memories gave him goosebumps not in a good way. So he decided to ignored that scary fact that he slept with a dude and act like he don't remember anything but deep down he knew he gonna failed sooner or later. For now he focused on getting bed before Jae-Sung's return otherwise he won't be able to keep this shit as secret for 10 minutes. That korean boy is that much nosy about his best friend's life.

After 2 days ( 2 am. )

Jade was laying on the thin mattress of his dorm staring at the ceiling unable to sleep. He was faking sleep for whole time till Jae-Sung started to snore because he didn't want to make a confession to his best friend about his pitiful situation. Ever since that memory came to his mind he couldn't think of anything else but TJ and his fucking dick. That motherfucker who fucked the day light out of him. If it wasn't for those medicine he is so sure he won't be able to go minute without feeling throbbing pain. He felt his dick getting hard even at the thought of it. Jade felt so angry.

"Great that was the only thing I was lacking here. Just great."

He scolded his stupid body for making such a big deal out of small drunken mistake.

" Well it wasn't that small though. Fuck don't you dare think about his fucking dick. Fuck fuck fuck. Think about something else......Eeeeeee Grandmas , cactus , dog poop.......His biceps.. His abs...god damnit. Jade Harrison you freaking idiot This isn't helping. I need to calm down. yeah. That is what I need."

With that thought Jade grabbed his smart phone and rushed to the bathroom without disturbing Jae-Sung's beauty sleep. As soon as he got inside he locked the door and search his favorite porn site for his top liking as usual. He played it with head set and maximum volume but he wasn't feeling it as usual. He tried few other videos and even the hard cores.

Jerking off to straight videos felt like not working so he decided to try something different something not so straight

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Jerking off to straight videos felt like not working so he decided to try something different something not so straight. His trembling fingers tapped on gay sex tape that had over millions of view. It also didn't work for him.

After so many fails attempt he finally decided to gave up without orgasm and went back to bed with frustration because his dick was already painfully aching from the friction. He honestly didn't know what the hell is wrong with him. But he was so sure about one thing it was ever since TJ ripped his virgin ass his Dick gone malfunctioning and he wasn't sure if it ever gonna work normally. With confusion he drift into sleep.

12.30 pm.

During the afternoon lecture Jae-Sung keep glancing at Jade wondering what is going inside of that pretty head of his. Seems like he was zoning out time to time since the morning. Jae-Sung felt like he have had enough of wandering around and he decided to go for it.

"...Jade, what up with your daydreaming??? What is bothering you. You know you can tell me anything right...."

He tell him with a assurance of listening. Jade sight and slowly turned his attention towards him. But the question slipped pass through his lips made Jae-Sung chocked on his own saliva.

((// Thank you guys for votes and comments. ❤️ I am so happy to see you enjoying this. I will try my best to update asap❤️. And let me know what do you think about this chapter.🌈🌈//))

To be continue.....

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