.5| In the Aftermath of Tragedy: New Beginnings and Old Wounds

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Robot had announced the new members of the Guardians of the Globe team. As they passed by Eve's room, they saw that she was upset, so they decided to check on her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Mark asked.

Eve looked up from her book and sighed. "No, I'm not. I can't believe Rex cheated on me and lied to Kate about it."

Mark frowned. "That sucks. I always thought Rex was an asshole."

"He wasn't always like that," Eve said. "But it doesn't matter. I can't be on the same team as him and Kate."

Omni X nodded. "I understand. But I'm sure Robot has a good reason for choosing Rex. He's a good strategist."

Eve shook her head. "I don't care. I don't want to be on the same team as him."

Invincible put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll support you no matter what you decide."

Eve smiled at him. "Thanks, Mark. I appreciate it."

The three of them walked down to the training room where the new members of the team were practicing their combat skills. Rex was complaining about the early training schedule, but Robot reminded him that they were no longer the Teen Team.

Black Samson pointed out that they needed experience, which Rex argued against. He also mentioned that if Black Samson had not lost his powers, he might have been able to help the past Guardians, which angered him. Robot told Rex to watch it, but Black Samson stood up for himself and suggested that he could be the leader instead.

Rex once again brought up Black Samson's lost powers and asked why they needed to put up with him. Shrinking Rae spoke up, saying that teams needed teamwork. Robot agreed with her, and everyone left the room except for Monster Girl.

As she was leaving, she told Robot that she couldn't do three combat exercises a day. Robot apologized and sympathized with her, but Monster Girl didn't think he could understand since he was a robot.

Omni-Man was observing the scene from above and described what he saw as pathetic.

Meanwhile, in Mark's room, William was helping him clean up. William had brought homework for Mark and had asked around at school to find out what Amber liked. Mark was hesitant about the study date, but William told him that every date should feel like a first date.

Ben asked Mark how he would make his relationship work as a superhero. Mark assured him that he had it all under control. The doorbell rang, and Mark nervously threw his dirty plates and clothes out the window, telling William and Ben where to leave.

Amber walked in, and Mark introduced himself as a comic fan. Amber asked which his favorite was, so Mark started talking about them. Amber asked if she could borrow one, which Mark agreed to. Mark's phone rang, and he hung up, but he was called once again, so he turned his phone off.

He was surprised when he was called yet again, so he picked up, and Cecil popped out from his phone, relieved that Amber had left. Mark asked Cecil if he had been spying on him, but Cecil told him that if he wants to be a hero, privacy is not an option.

Mark pointed out that he did not even work for him, but Cecil countered by telling him he never would if he never showed respect or decided if he wanted to be a hero. Mark was forced to decide then and there, and he said he did want to be a hero.

Cecil handed him a comm device and told him that Eve and Ben would be there as well. Mark had no idea where Mount Rushmore was and didn't want to seem unprepared in front of his colleagues. When his boss, Cecil, complained about how schools did not teach enough, Mark felt a pang of guilt. He was one of those students who barely paid attention during history classes.

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