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Random Song: Obvious - Faber Drive

Chapter Thirteen: Afraid Of The Dark

Glenn and Rick set up Daryl's tent behind the RV, and made sure he had an extra pillow. He didn't want to be in the house any longer than he had to, and I didn't really blame him. I only went inside to help prepare food, bathe, and sit with Carl. But Carl was able to walk around outside now, so I spent a lot of time with him and Lori. Alfie ditched me for Daryl; I was glad they made a connection. They needed each other and I needed them.

"I'm gonna go and get Daryl, tell him his tent's ready." Rick stood up straight, shielding his eyes from the sun. He'd given his Sheriff's hat to Carl.

"Make sure Alfie comes, too." I said and he left, coming back several minutes later with both Daryl and Alfie. They looked so cute together, and it melted my already mushy heart.

"Rick, can I talk to ya for a sec?" Shane called from the green car he'd traded his Jeep for, and Rick walked over. Glenn saw Maggie sitting on the front steps and ran off to talk to her. I think he's got a little crush on her...

"Tell her, Mr Daryl!" Alfie whispered loudly.

Daryl's face turned pink and he cleared his throat. "If ya stop callin' me 'mister' I might."

"Tell me what?" I asked Alfie, curious as to what he wanted Daryl to tell me.

"That he's sorry for being a buttface, and he hates not talkin' to you." Alfie stuck out his tongue at Daryl before running inside the RV.

"Last time I tell him anything." shaking his head, Daryl slowly made his way in the tent, lying down on the green sleeping bag. I sat on the ground right outside and watched ants carrying food into an anthill. "Callie?"

"You need anything?" I asked softly, turning around to face him when my head bumped into his. "Ow!"

"Sorry 'bout that. An' for everything else. Makin' ya worry, and cry. Kid said you were cryin' when he woke up s'mornin'."

"So what if I was? You've been avoiding me for a day and a half, Daryl. As if you think that wouldn't hurt my feelings." I felt an argument coming on.

"Yea, cuz ya brother's right. You deserve someone much better than me." he said cooly.

"That's a load of bull. I know what you're doin' and it ain't gonna work on me, so don't bother. You're so much better than that, Daryl." I felt a knot forming in the back of my throat and tried my best not to cry, not when he could see.

"I know that face. Don't cry, Cal, please. You're right. Sorry. You're right." he pleaded with me, and I couldn't stop the tears from falling. He pulled me into the tent, holding me as I cried onto his shirt. What an emotional wreck I was becoming.

"Your... stitches?" I choked out.

"Pretty sure I'll live." he wiped the tears from my cheeks, brushed the hair out of my face, and I looked up at him, surprised to see that he was crying too.

"Why are you cryin'?"

"Cuz. When you cry I feel so helpless. Makes me cry." he wiped his nose with the back of his hand.

"I fucking love you, Daryl. Nothin's gonna change the way I feel, especially my so-called brother."

"Fuck him." he whispered, sending chills down my spine as he cupped my face and kissed my lips tenderly.

"Eww, Carl! They's kissin'!" Alfie scowled, Carl laughing behind him.

"C'mon you guys. Let's give 'em some space." Lori led the boys away.

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