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Chapter Seven: After The Ice Melts

I was up at sunrise, looking after Carl and Sophia while Carol and Lori helped clean up the campsite. Ed had been one of the first bit last night, along with Amy. Maria stayed in the RV with her kids, she didn't want them to see burning walkers or the dead bodies of people we'd lost. Shane hadn't had his 'talk' with me yet. He was busy with the men, discussing the situation on Andrea. She hadn't moved from her sisters' side and was crying silently. It was only a matter of time before Amy would wake up as an ever hungry flesh-eating monster.

"How are you feelin' today, Sophia?" I asked Sophia. We were sitting in the back of Daryl's truck eating roasted squirrel for breakfast.

"I'm alright. D'you think my Mom will be ok?"

"She'll be fine. Don't worry..." I trailed off, watching Daryl get mad at Glenn. "I'll be right back. You two stay here, don't leave this truck."

"Don't be gone too long." Carl said and handed me my new gun. I would have to remember to keep it on me at all times. You never knew what could go wrong. I told Carl and Sophia I would be back in five minutes, I wanted to know what was going on, how Andrea was. I couldn't cry for Amy. Knowing I'd lost a good friend made me sad, but she was in a better place now. She could no longer feel pain, sorrow, or dispair. And for that, I was glad. I hoped she was at peace with her loved ones on the other side.

"Cal." Daryl poked my arm. "You alright?"

Yeah, why?"

"You been standin' there with a blank look on your face for the past five minutes."

"I was just thinkin' 'bout Amy." I shook my head, hair falling into my face. "So what's goin' on? I saw you get mad with Glenn."

"It was nothin'. He wants to seperate the dead from the burn pile. Told him it was stupid an' he got all 'motional."

"Glenn's got a point. Where's Shane?" I couldn't see him anywhere and it kind of worried me.

"Behind the RV. He wants to shoot Amy before she attacks anyone. Frankly I agree with him, she's a time bomb."

"Andrea has her gun. Don't underestimate her; she'll do what has to be done. I have to get back to Carl and Sophia."

"I'm comin' with ya." Daryl ate half a squirrel before going back to burning walkers.

"Callie, are you and Daryl boyfriend and girlfriend?" Carl asked, and Sophia giggled.

"No, silly. We're just really good friends." I shrugged, "Why?"

"Just wondering. Were Mom and Shane really good friends, too?" My first thought, was he knew what went on between Lori and Shane. "If my dad hadn't come back they could have been boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm not stupid. I have eyes, and I've heard what people say about them."

"No you are most definitely NOT stupid, that's for sure. I'm really not the one you should be askin' though."

"No one tells me anything." Carl pouted and I felt sorry for him, because like him I was often overlooked and left out of things.

"Alright I'll tell ya. But not a word to anyone, especially your parents and Shane." I told him, not going into detail about Shane and Lori's relationship. He was still a bit too young, even though he'd turned twelve not that long ago. Just as I'd finished, Daryl stormed over, throwing the mallet in his hands to the ground. "Who dares to anger the Great Daryl Dixon?"

"Don't be mockin' me, Cal." he glared and let loose a long string of swear words and insults.

"He's been bit! Jim's been bit!" Jacqui yelled out in panic. Daryl, with his mallet, ran over with the other men.

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