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OLIVER POV: I woke up and ate breakfast by myself because Regie wouldn't wake up and when I got done I was bored so I decided to practice music because I haven't done it in a while and I realized that I should start practicing and playing music more often.

REGIE POV: I woke up and Oliver wasn't in the bed with me anymore so I went to go look for him and he was making music by his self and I asked him why he didn't wake me up and he just said that I wouldn't wake up and I kept telling him to leave me alone

Regie- Good morning baby

Oli- Good morning

Regie- what are you doing

Oli- what does it look like

Regie- don't get a attitude and it looks like you making music

Oli- It looks like it because I am

Regie- ok but why didn't you wake me up

Oli- I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't wake up

Regie- Oh well my bad

Oli- it's ok

Regie- Bae

Oli- yes

Regie- Can I get a hug

Oli- sure *stands up and hugs Regie*

Regie- Can I get a kiss too

Oli- ok *kisses Regie*

Regie- You're so cute

Oli- thank you but you're cuter than me

Regie- not true but thank you

Oli- you're welcome *sits back down and gets back to the music

Regie- wait before you start back playing stand up

Oli- why

Regie- just do it please

Oli- ok *stands ups*

Regie- *sits down* Ok you can sit down now

Oli- really Regie

Regie- what, did I do something wrong

Oli- no but you could of just said I wanna sit with you can you sit on my lap and I would have done it

Regie- ok well I wanna sit with you can you sit on my lap

Oli- ok *sits down and continues making music*

                                  *4 hours later*

Regie- I'm hungry let's go get something to eat

Oli- ok but like what

Regie- it's doesn't matter it can be anything

Oli- ok well how about Kbbq

Regie- ok bet I'll drive

Oli- ok let me go get my phone

Regie- ok I'll be in the car

Oli- ok

*At the restaurant*

Regie- I was starving this is so good bruh

Oli- fr it is good

Regie- I haven't had kbbq in a long time

Oli- same the last time I went was with Justin

Regie- what about me

Oli- idk what you were doing but it was just like we got done doing something I don't remember then we were driving and saw one and decided to go

Regie- I would still invite you

Oli- but we would be done by the time you got ready and got here

Regie- ok but did you at least thing about me

Oli- idk and stop being dramatic you act like you haven't went places without me

Regie- ok fine

*After they got done eating and went home*

Oli- Do you wanna play smash with me

Regie- Yea I wanna smash you

Oli- NOT LIKE THAT *laughs*

Regie- oh well then like what

Oli- you know what I'm talking about I'm talking about the game

Regie- oh ok sure

Oli- ok come on

*They start playing*

Oli- you suck

Regie- shut up no I don't

Oli- yes you do

Regie- ok bet *grabs Olis controller*

Oli- bae stop give it to me

Regie- say please

Oli- no you're being annoying

Regie- well you not getting it back

Oli- Fine can I please have the controller back

Regie- You have to call me daddy

Oli- Please daddy can I have the controller back

Regie- Fine here

Oli- *Snatches controller* Thank you

Regie- Don't snatch *Kills Oli while he's not paying attention*

Oli- Dude stop why did you do that I wasn't paying attention I'm done playing

Regie- Ok sorry you're the one who wanted to play anyway

Oli- I don't care

Regie- Ok my bad just play

Oli- No I'm going on my phone

Regie- Ok but do you forgive

Oli- No only if you say I'm really really sorry and I love you

Regie- Ok fine I'm really really sorry and I love you

Oli- Ok I forgive you

Regie- Ok well can I get a hug now

Oli- Fine but only one

Regie- *Hugs him*

Oli- Ok that's enough

Regie- Let's go in your room

Oli- Ok

*In the room*

Regie- Can we cuddle and watch movies

Oli- Yea and you pick the movie

Regie- Ok *puts on a movie*

Oli- I haven't watched this but I seen the trailer have you watched it

Regie- No now shut up it's turning on

Oli- Why are you so mean

Regie- I didn't mean to this is just how I talk

Oli- Ok then learn how to control it

Regie- Ok I will

*Two hours later*

Regie- *Gets call from Justin* Hello

Justin- Do you wanna do a strip or dare video with me and the other boys

Regie- Yeah when

Justin-  Tomorrow

Regie- Ok what time

Justin- We can start the video at 7 pm

Regie- Ok I will come over there tomorrow

Justin- Ok bet bye

Regie- Ok bye *hangs up*

REGIE POV: I hang up on Justin and I look to the side of me and I see that Oliver is already sleep so I go to sleep with him

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