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SEB POV: I don't know what's wrong with Ryan but he's been acting weird all day so when I'm finished eating I'm going to ask him what's wrong because he's confusing me.

                             *After Seb eats*

Seb- Ryan are you ok

Ryan- yea I'm ok why do you care

Seb- because I'm your friend, I should care if you're sad or if something's wrong

Ryan- oh well I'm ok why don't you go be with your gf

Seb- well I came over here to help you and you're my friend so I should spend time with you and not just your sister also I don't want you to think that I was only your friend because of your sister

Ryan- well after you ate wasn't you supposed to go home

Seb- yea but you have to take me home

Ryan- ok sure I will

Seb- thx

                            *after Seb gets home*


Oli- yea I am

Seb- ok well can I talk to you

Oli- yea sure

Seb- first I think Ryan's mad at me and second I got a gf

Oli- who's your gf and why do you think Ryan's mad at you

Seb- I think he's mad at me because, he had a attitude and when it was time to eat he came to eat but then when he saw me he said he's not hungry anymore and walked upstairs then when I finished eating I asked him if something was wrong and he said why do you care and why don't you go to your gf and then he said why don't you go home weren't you supposed to go home after you ate.

Oli- well it seems like he's mad because of your gf so who is she

Seb- um it's Lexi so maybe you're right

Oli- did you even ask him

Seb- well I was just sitting in his room and he left and his sister came in and ik it was wrong to do but we started kissing and he came in and looked like he was about to cry and asked why we was doing that in his bed and we said sorry and went to her room.

Oli- well that's definitely the reason

Seb- but I didn't try to

Oli- yea but it was still wrong you should apologize and ask him if it's ok to be with his sister

Seb- yea you're right I'll ask him

Oli- ok but you should ask him in person

Seb- ok sure I'll do it tomorrow and hopefully he will be more calmed down by then

Oli- ok well I'm finna go to the store do you want anything or want to come

Seb- yea I'll come with you

Oli- ok well hurry up and put on your shoes I'll be in the car

Seb- ok

*in the car*

Oli- *gets call* hello

Regie- hello can I ask you something

Oli- yea sure

Regie- do you think it's weird if you like one of your close friends

Oli- no it's not weird because when you get close to someone you might catch feelings

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