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Ryan Pov:

Doctor: Ryan

Ryan: Yes

Doctor: You can go home

Ryan: Ok

Doctor: You're just gonna need crutches though

Ryan: Ok

Doctor: Here

Ryan: *Takes them*

Doctor: Do you have anyone to take you home

Ryan: No

Doctor: Call someone

Ryan:Ok *Calls Oli *

Oliver: Hello

Ryan: Hello

Oliver: Whats up

Ryan: Can you come pick me up from the hospital

Oliver: Yea

Ryan: Ok hurry

Oliver: Dude I'm just getting into my moms car

Ryan: Ok hurry bye *hangs up*

Doctor: Is somebody coming for you ?

Ryan: Yes

Doctor : Ok just making sure

* 10 minutes later*

Ryan: *Gets call*

Oliver: hello Im here

Ryan: Ok *Rides the elevator down*

Ryan: Oliver I dont see you

Oliver : Ok I'll come to you

*Oliver pulls up*
*hangs up *

Oliver : Wow your in crutches let me help you

Ryan: Ok

Oliver: *takes his stuff and puts it in the car*

Ryan: *Ryan gets in* Thank you Oli

Oliver: No problem *He starts driving *

Ryan: How did you learn how to drive

Oliver: I learned frm Regie he tsught me

Ryan: Oh

Oliver: Ryan

Ryan: Yeah

Oliver: I wanna help you out can you come over

Ryan: Why

Oliver: Because I feel bad

Ryan: Ok then

Oliver: Ok

*Oliver drives home*

⁹Oliver: Ok do yu need help out?

Ryan: No

Oliver: Ok

Ryan : Gets out

Oliver: Ok I'll get your stuff and open the door for you

Ryan: Ok

*They get inside*

Oliver: You can go to my room

Ryan: Ok

*He goes to his room and goes on Tiktok *

Oliver: Ok im here now

Ryan: Ok

Oliver: does that hurt?

Ryan: Uhm just alittle bit

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