Sogekihei: Kuroko No Basket x CoTE

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*Ayanokouji POV*

I changed into my gym uniform, stepping into the large rectangular room, roughly 28 meters in length and 15 meters in width. It was a room devoid of any obstructions that may inhibit one's movement. Odd spirals of black paint danced across the floor. On each side towered a net, around 3 meters tall, that consisted of a backboard that helped with making a shot. The floor was oakwood brown, although it was made of anything but oakwood. The court floor was polished and likely constructed in a way to prevent slipping.

My shoes with grips, squeaked as I walked, drinking in all the details of my surroundings. The white, harsh light reminded me of There.

My arms were bare and my shorts went up until my knees, I was slightly self-conscious as everybody could see my well-defined but lean muscles.

A loud thump, followed by a ringing sound reverberated throughout the gymnasium, or for a better term, the basketball court.

The sound startled me, as well as everybody else. Suddenly, the air around me had been disturbed and a basketball flew at the back of my head at lightning speeds. I turned around casually and simply grabbed the ball, although my hand wasn't large enough to grab it I simply slapped it back to the sender with a moderate level of strength.

Another 'Thump!' and then ringing reverberated around the silent basketball as the ball cut through the air, back towards whoever had sent it.

"Woah!" Everybody exclaimed, the person barely ducked underneath the ball that slammed into the wall and bounced back, hitting her back with no damage whatsoever, as it lost momentum.

"Bro...calm down."

A girl, 5"1 raised her hands in mock surrender with an unsure look on her face. Her name was Riko Aido if I remembered correctly.

A misunderstanding occurred, where everybody was unsure of whether she was the coach or the manager, but in the end - she was indeed the coach. After this, something even odder occurred.

"Take your shirts off!" She said, there wasn't any hint of perversion in her grin, but there was definitely anticipation, that struck me as strange.

"WHAT!?" The entire team said in unison, well except red-head and...the phantom sixth.

She didn't say anything, but instead waited, with her arms crossed, impatiently.

Soon, everybody had removed their shirts, but they all looked self-conscious.

She analyzed each player for roughly 5 seconds before critiquing them and predicting their weaknesses, which was impressive. I thought about how long it would have taken me to do the same. So, I looked at the redhead who had his shirt off, and analyzed him, he was a player that relied more on brute strength than skill, then - I did the same for the phantom sixth...just as expected, he was completely worthless.

However, in his games - he was a team player that distributed the ball with ingenious passes, making him a wonderful team player. However, he needed to be reliable as a shooter or dunker, it would even be fine if he could dribble the ball properly,  for him to be a decent player.

Soon enough, Riko Aido got to me.

"W-what?!" She gasped in shock, stars in her eyes.

"What?" A boy with black hair and glasses asked her, he seemed startled at her outburst. I internally frowned, having predicted what was going to happen.

"His-!" She began to speak to him, then spun around and began to talk to me. "Y-your stats, I can't even read them!"

She kept 'scanning' me with a grin on her face and satisfaction brimming in her eyes.

"Yes!" She said, punching the air in delight.

"...You know we're not done yet?" I asked her.

"Huh? Who else is there?" A kid with blue hair around 5"6 right beside me, Tetsuya Kuroko, his eyes locked in on me and remained focused. He was probably wondering how I wasn't like everybody else, unable to keep an eye on his presence.

I jabbed my thumb in his direction, "You left out Tetsuya Kuroko." I said, making contact with him out of the corner of my eye.

His eyes narrowed further, and he seemed on guard. I guess he was hoping to see how much of a good player I was.


"It's him...Sogekihei! The sniper of Seirin!"


So this took a like 20 minutes to make, I was just trying to remove the impulse with this crappy oneshot but if this gets well enough feedback then i'll redo it.

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