Chapter 20- My Anchor

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Warnings: Self Mutilation; DID-like Symptoms

Danny grabbed the cursed item, which was a metallic crystal. Stiles could feel the dangerous energy pouring from it as he wrote on his arm with a marker.

"That's cursed, alright," Stiles said.

"How can you tell," Bohen asked, listening nearby.

"I can feel the energy coming off of it," Stiles explained, glancing at Peter's clone.

"Hey so, that one guy in a suit..."

"Who? Elijah," Stiles asked.

"Uh, I think so," Bohen said, trying to remember his name, "He mentioned you were tainted with deities inside of you. What did he mean?"

"I have multiple deities living in my head," Stiles said, tapping his temple, "Why?"

"Does one happen to be a dark fox," Bohen asked.

"Void," Stiles said, "That's what I usually call him. Yes. Why?"

"You trust him," Bohen asked nervously.

"You seem surprised," Stiles said, feeling Void's presence nearby.

"Well, isn't he... Evil," Bohen asked.

"Void is neither good nor bad," Stiles said, "He only thinks and acts with logic. If he feels threatened, he'll lash out. If he feels the environment is calm, then he'll relax. If he's hungry, then he'll let me know before getting chaotic to feed. We have a system and he cooperates."

Bohen noticed Stiles's aura shift a bit.

"Besides, Peter's clone," Void said, showing his presence through Stiles, "If I truly wanted to hurt someone, you all would be dead right now. So I would try not to be so judgmental. Okay?"

Bohen nodded, swallowing thickly in fear.

"Good," Void said, letting Stiles have full control again.

"He also has a sort of irritation with judgy people," Stiles explained.

Bohen walked away as Dean and Cas came back with dirt. Stiles began transferring the power from the dagger to the katana. He grabbed the dagger and traced the symbols on his arm tih the blade while chanting. Soon his eyes glowed dark purple, making everyone get a bit uneasy. His nose began bleeding as past traumatic memories went through his mind. Stiles tried his best to block them out but it seemed to only make it worse.

"Stiles, that's enough," Sam said.

Stiles tried to come back but his head was stuck.


Thunder rumbled the sky outside as winds picked up speed along with heavy downpours. Noah looked out the window from a safe distance. Finally, he stepped towards Stiles.

"Noah, what are doing," Damon hissed.

"He said I'm his anchor," Noah said, getting closer, "If that's true then it'll work."

Once he was right in front of him. Stiles a tear slipped down his face.

"Run," Stiles whispered.

Noah placed his hands on Stiles's face tenderly, causing pain to shoot up his arm.

"I'm not going anywhere," Noah said, "I'm not losing you again."

Stiles felt his mental thoughts shift to memories of Noah which led to other happy memories of his family. Noah felt the pain in his arm subside as Stiles's eyes changed back to their natural soft brown. The markings on his arm singed into his flesh as his powers transferred over to the katana.

"Are you okay," Noah asked.

Stiles bearhugged Noah, squeezing his eyes shut.

"You could've gotten yourself killed," Stiles scolded, letting him go, "I could've killed you on accident, dad. What were thinking?!"

"Going out Winchester style," Noah teased, half shrugging.

Dean snickered in the background. Stiles mustered a smile.

"I'm glad you're okay," Noah smiled, "Also really glad it worked because I kind of thought you were going to kill me."

Stiles chuckled and turned to the bowl set out for the incognito spell.

"Let's finish this spell," Stiles said, placing the dagger inside.

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