Chapter 15- Retirement Plan

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Warnings: Supernatural Violence; Graphic Violence; Gore

Elijah gasped as he was brought back to the present. Klaus did the same as his eyes darkened a bit.

"We're getting overpowered here," Sam shouted.


Klaus broke the cuffs and shifted into a wolf, sprinting out to his son. He tackled the alternate about to tear into his neck. Using his teeth he ripped open his jugular. Then he ran at the few surrounding Stefan. He snarled at the wolves, daring them to attack. They snarled back, challenging him. One of them jumped forward, making Klaus tackle him. He shifted back to human just enough to rip the wolf's body in half with his hands. He snarled at the other wolves, who decided to run away.

"Klaus," Stefan asked, panting.

He turned and glanced at Stefan before shifting back into a wolf and running to help the others. One werewolf managed to get inside the house, holding Joseph captive. Klaus noticed them through the window and jumped through it, breaking the glass as he did. He grabbed the werewolf by the shoulder with his teeth and shifted back human to drive his hand through his chest. He ripped out the heart, killing the werewolf instantly. Klaus dropped the heart, staring at Joseph who looked deathly pale.

"Hi, Klaus," Joseph said, nervously.

Klaus smirked and walked away to find a change of clothes.

"Holy hell," Joseph whispered.

Sam was making sure everyone got treated with Chris's help. The wolves ran away after Klaus began massacring them. Now Scott and Dean examined the werewolves' traits as Stiles did his own research on reaching the Guardians. Lucifer and Castiel helped him the best they could. Eventually, the wall became his investigation board. Klaus sat down beside Noah, who was icing his strained leg. He bit his wrist and offered his blood to his husband. Noah leaned down, drinking from him. It made Klaus have to muffle a moan while licking his lips.

"Thanks," Noah said, pulling away.

"You're welcome," Klaus said, watching their kids work fervently, "I have a question."

"Yeah," Noah asked.

"What do you think about retiring," Klaus asked, "Letting someone else handle this bullshit for once?"

"What will we do in the meantime," Noah asked.

"I have a few ideas," Klaus said suggestively, staring at him through hooded eyelids.

"I mean it, Klaus," Noah said, his cheeks turning red, "That'll be a lot of free time on our hands."

"Well we can definitely get the hell out of Beacon Hills," Klaus said, causing him to laugh, "I love your hometown but my god it's something every day!"

"You're not wrong about that," Noah chuckled, "What about the coast? Near Kol and Kai? I always did like the ocean view up there."

"That's a good idea," Klaus said, thinking, "Damon and Stefan also have a friend down there who wouldn't mind finding us a place to buy."

"Really? Who," Noah asked curiously.

"A lad named Enzo," Klaus recalled, "He runs a strip club Stefan used to work at. Really sweet guy... Also flirtatious warning you ahead of time."

Noah laughed.

"I'm not jealous, Klaus," Noah said.

"I know," Klaus said, smirking, "But I am."

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